danmei authors you should consider checking out if you havent read their stuff before! 👀

will also name some of their novels that i know of, those i haven't personally read i will put a * after the title
obviously, since ive read the most priest novels out of anything else...
tends to be plot heavy, but the plot is 👌

Zhen Hun (perhaps you have heard of the Guardian drama dsjkdjsk)
Sha Po Lang
Mo Du
Can Ci Pin*
Lie Huo Jiao Chou
>manmanheqiduo (漫漫何其多)

Wanli/Those Years in Quest of Honour Mine
AWM: PUBG* (apparently one of the most 骚 gongs in the danmei world comes from this novel lol)
>wuzhe (巫哲)

http://novelupdates.com/nauthor/wu-zhe/  * <- more!
>xizixu (西子绪)

My Five Elements Lack You
Kaleidoscope of Death*
Fantasy Farm*
>feitianyexiang (非天夜翔)
i havent personally read any feitian works but ive heard good things about his novels 👀 also hes written quite a variety of genres iirc

Seizing Dreams*
Tianbao Fuyao Lu*
>mengxishi (梦溪石)
another author i havent personally read from hahaha but i have friends who enjoy their works!!

Qianqiu/Thousand Autumns*
The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua/Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty*
>tangjiuqing (唐酒卿)
currently reading one of their novels! i absolutely looove their fight scene writing 🥰

Qiang Jin Jiu
Nan Chan*
thats all for now, my knowledge is incredibly limited :'D

there are also other authors that ive read from who i didnt include because i only know one novel by them... but suffice to say that there are lots of danmei authors out there and everyone should read more 😊😊😊
some additional mentions!

muguahuang 木瓜黄 - Fake Slackers*
bomubinglun 薄暮冰轮 - Welcome to the Nightmare Game*
PEPA - I Ship My Adversary x Me
Not Asking If It's Three Or Nine 不问三九 - Tattoo
gaotaishuse 高台树色 - The Flustering Sound of the Pipa from the Hallway
addendum because im getting some Interesting.... quote retweets:
i tried to pick popular authors with novels that are translated/being translated for this thread, and also because i personally haven't read THAT much either (my knowledge is so limited 😭)
there are a lot more great authors out there that i dont know of!! this is honestly a very brief introductory list
if you've read novels by all the mentioned authors... thats great! but kindly refrain from qrt-ing my tweets with that, i may have notifs off but 👁️👁️
thanks 😔
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