• Falsified history of Albanians as a reason for taking #Kosovo from #Serbia with argument that Albanians have "moral legitimacy" on Serbian land

#Illyria #Serbia #KosovoIsSerbia #TheMoreYouKnow #AncientWorld

Full thread below 👇
1/ One the picture is member of the Svana ethnic group from Mestia in the Caucasus (~1888–1900).

Many traits (from language to behavior) characteristic of this small ethnic group are strikingly similar to those of the Shqiptars (Albanians). 👇
2/ Here we will speak scientifically based on the Serbian multi-millennium habitat in the #Balkans (and in #Europe), while at the same time we'll expose the ominous mythomania among Albanians - as, allegedly, the local natives - and their fictional Illyrian origin. 👇
3/ And we will prove that they are a tribe from the Caucasus, where they lived for millennia until the Arab caliphate took them during its conquest of the Mediterranean countries and deployed them in #Sicily, #Calabria and #Apulia (southern #Italy). 👇
4/ The author of this research visited the mentioned provinces in #Italy (Sicily, Calabria and Apulia) in two waves, researching the traces, habitats of the Caucasian Albanians brought there, before they were transferred to the #Balkans in 1043. 👇
5/ As the Byzantine historian Michael Attaleiates testifies, Albanians were deployed around Kroja, where there were no #Serbs at that time because they left those areas due to the devastating war between the Serbian (Zeta) prince Vojislav and the Byzantine emperor Constantine. 👇
6/ Michael also mentioned Albanians as mercaneries who fought in #Sicily under Georgios Maniakes, Byzantine warlord.

After the war, Albanians stayed in northern #Epirus, under permission of Serbian zhupans (earls) which ruled territory that included Albania as well. 👇
7/ Soon after the settlement of Albanian tribes around Kroja, that area was named Arbanon.

Theory above is corresponding to notes from the "Life of Saint Simeon" written by Saint Sava.

St. Sava notes that his father, Stefan Nemanja the unifier, was appointed by God to reign 👇
8/ over Serbian land, because he renewed his lost ancestry.

When he gained the full independence from the Byzantines - Stefan Nemanja returned back Zeta with several towns, including Hvosno (today Metohija region on #Kosovo). Nemanja gave the rule of Hvosno to his elder son 👇
9/ who in 1195 is titled as "King of Duklja, Dalmatia, Travunia, Toplica & Hvosno" (Velcani, regis Diokle, Dalmatie, Tripunie, Toplize et Cosne).

"He gained all that belonged to him from the Serbian land, that was once taken away from his ancestors by violence" - St. Sava. 👇
10/ About all this - the liberation and unification of Serbian lands with indications of who their usurpers were (Byzantines and briefly the "Rabanci" - Albanians in both Pilot towns) - a lot can be presented, as a transmission of tradition or a scientific approach, by those 👇
11/ whose genealogical tree has its roots in the Serbian lands mentioned here, especially those whose ancestry is #OldSerbia, or Metohija (designated as "Hvosno" by Saint Sava), and among them is the author of this research as well. 👇
12/ Wouldn't it be in the national interest of Albanians to establish their true ethnic identification?

In such way we would get a description of the ancient people in the Caucasus with a millennial civilization and tradition, instead of defiantly presenting themselves 👇
13/ as descendants of the Illyrians, aware that this theory is a lie and the worst kind of moral decay - self-deception?

Albanian historians who deny this modern theory of Illyrian origin still exist, however, the devotees of "Greater Albania", nationalists and extremists, 👇
13/ gladly accepted it, because there is no "Greater Albania" concept without Serbian province #Kosovo and Metohija.

Instead of having no history due to lack of evidence of their Illyrian origin, or falsified history that they accepted in the 19th century, wouldn't their 👇
14/ history textbooks be richer with the mention that Alexander the Great resided in their homeland in the Caucasus in the 2nd century BC during the conquest of Persia, whose vassal was Caucasian Albania?

It's important to mention that Caucasus Albania, due to its climate, 👇
15/ original irrigation system and abundance of crop rotation, lured all the surrounding nations to visit it or to usurp its land, as the Albanians have been doing in #OldSerbia, in #Kosovo, for many centuries.

In regards to that, we will note the valuable scientific 👇
16/ given by Russian scientists led by historian and arheologist Svetlana Pletnyova who's the author of numerous books on Eurasian nomads, particularly the #Khazars.

From the book of Svetlana Pletnyova, we will chronologically arrange the most drastic expeditions 👇
17/ in Caucasian Albania:

• 370 AD - The Huns set out for Albania, the vassal principality of the Persian Empire

• 488 - 531 AD - The Persians well fortified their borders in the north, especially under the rule of the famous king Kavad I, including the foothills of the 👇
18/ Caucasus, so they also protected Caucasus Albania

• 540 AD - the Huns invaded Caucasus Albania again; at the same time, they attacked Armenia

• 552 - 562 - In that decade, a devastating war was being waged between the alliance of the Huns and the #Khazars on the one 👇
19/ hand, and the Persian emperor Khosrow I Anushirvan on another one. Khosrow I finally not only defeated the Huns and #Khazars and liberated again Caucasus Albania, but turned all the aggressors on Albanian land into slaves and moved them to Qabala, or expelled to Dagestan 👇
20/ • 627 AD - the #Khazars invaded Caucasus Albania again. At that time they were the main military force of the Turks, with whom (the Turks) the Byzantine emperor Heraclius made an alliance for the war with #Persia

• 640 - 654 AD - In that decade and a half, a new force 👇
21/ was moving towards the Caucasus - an alliance of Arab tribes. The Arabs would soon (640) occupy Armenia, then occupy Georgia (654) and then come to Caucasus Albania.

• 670 AD - Three enslaved Caucasian states: Armenia, Georgia and Albania, managed to get rid of Arabs. 👇
22/ • 682 AD - Caucasus Albania managed to establish more tolerable relations with the aggressive neighbor #Khazars.

Then, a prince from the Khazar federation (ruler of Savir) married the daughter of the prince of Caucasus Albania and accepted Christianity. 👇
23/ • 684 AD - The #Khazars invaded the Caucasus. The showdown with Georgia, Armenia and Albania was brutal. Their princes are killed by the Khazars. To Caucasus Albania, as the richest country, and as a sign of sanctions that spread Christianity, a heavy tax has been taken. 👇
24/ • 708 - 713 AD - The #Khazars attacked Arabs stationed in Caucasus Albania and the fortress of Derbent. The Khazars managed to capture Derbent and occupy the northern regions of Albania.

• 721 AD - Albania found itself again in the whirlpool of a new Khazar-Arab war. 👇
25/ • 724 AD - Arabs managed to take Caucasus Albania from #Khazars

• 729 AD - The Khazars then again attacked the Caucasus Albania and occupied most of it

• 731 AD - The final attacks of the Khazars on the rest of Albania took place. The capital of Albania was occupied 👇
26/ after a long siege, and completely devastated.

The same year, Arabs again rushed to Caucasus Albania occupied by the #Khazars who took over that country, far suppressing the Khazars, and then according to their well-established custom, remained in Albania. 👇
27/ • 732 AD - Since Caucasus Albania, after so many occupations by its neighbors, was completely exhausted, and even thinner with its population - Arabs brought and settled Syrians in it.

- In the following years, many Jews emigrated from Iran and arrived in Albania too. 👇
28/ Many Caucasus tribes moved by the Arabs to the south of their vast caliphate. A part of Caucasus Albanian tribes will later be transferred by the Arabs to #Sicily and southern #Italy.

• 827 - 878 AD - Great battles took place in Sicily and in southern Italy between 👇
29/ Arabs and Romans (Byzantium). The Romans managed to take (regain) a small part of #Sicily and southern #Italy.  There they found Albanians from the Caucasus who were deported by Arabs (Arbanoi, as the Romans called them).

• 980 AD - Byzantine occupied the northeastern 👇
30/ part of #Sicily. The Romans (Byzantines) converted the Arbanoi (Albanians) to Christianity.

• 1043 AD - As the Byzantine historian Michael Attaleiates writes, the Romans (actually the rebel military leader Georgios Maniakes), in March transferred a significant number of 👇
31/ Albanians (deported from the Caucasus) in their ships across the Adriatic to the occupied port of Durres, and sent them to settle around Kroja, an area abandoned by #Serbs due to the devastating war in the past (1042) year between the Zeta ruler Vojislav and Byzantine. 👇
32/ Until 1999, Shqiptars (as the Albanians call themselves), put themselves in the service of many powers who attacked #Serbs - from #OttomanEmpire prior and during WWI, nazi Germany and fascist Italy in WWII, and finally in the service of the West ( #US and #NATO). 👇
33/ Just like in ancient Caucasus Albania, all Albanian tribes (Ghegs, Hotis, Labis, Toscs etc.) throughout history have always depended on someone and were used as vassals or armies to some other great power.

Driven by a reluctant desire to have their own state and 👇
34/ independence, they often brutally attacked the local population in the #Balkans.

Since 15th century onwards, when they first time moved to #Kosovo and Metohija, they savagely attacked #Serbs that has lived in this Serbian province for millennia, 👇
35/ killing them on their doorsteps and occupying their properties.

At the same time, these uncivilized tribes are ruthlessly demolishing the old sacral monasteries, churches & monuments that #Serbs built in the past centuries, in order to remove all possible evidence of the 👇
36/ of the existence of #Serbs in #Kosovo and Metohija.

But since there are more than 1,300 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries, it was simply impossible to destroy, burn and demolish all of them - they now switched to plan B - claims that these buildings are 👇
37/ either not Serbian but from Byzantine period, either they are allegedly built by #Serbs but on top of remains of Byzantine churches.

Of course, they have not provided any evidence yet for none of these claims, it would be great to see it. 👇
38/ Proof that the chronological sequence is accurate is evidenced by a very important ancient document called Nomos Georgikos, also known as the Farmer's Law.

Nomos Georgikos contains the usual #Byzantine- #Slavic law, and it was codified in the middle of the 8th century. 👇
39/ It was put into force in all the places of the #Balkans where the #Slavs lived, incl. peasant municipalities.

Nomos Georgikos strictly mentions all possible tribes and communities who lived in these areas.

This law was applied in the area of today's Albania as well, 👇
40/ which is recognized by Albanian scientists themselves. Despite that, Albanian nation or Albanian tribes are not mentioned anywhere in that law.

If Albanians were in modern Albania, #Kosovo or Macedonia, it would be certainly mentioned, easpecially if they are #Illyrians. 👇
41/ Nomos Georgikos is one of the irrefutable documents, among many other, from #Byzantine period that proves that Albanians were not in #Balkans before 9th century.

In addition to that, it's impossible to find at least one ancient map that proves their existence in the 👇
42/ in the #Balkans before 9th century, including ancient maps of #Illyria (where words "Albania", "Albanoi", "Arbanasi" etc. cannot be found either) that they like to provide as some type of evidence.

Whatever archive or a library you visit in search of books written 👇
43/ before 19th century, I can guarantee that you won't be able to find any trustworthy evidence that Albanians had its own nation in the #Balkans until the 19th century, nor that they have Illyrian origins.

Wienna-Berlin school (Nordic school) which is widely widespead 👇
44/ and blindly recognized in #Europe, with help of the #Vatican sucessfully falsified the history.

One of their projects was a creation of the Albanian nation, to whom later Germany and Austria helped to rip off Serbian province #Kosovo. 👇
45/ The appearance of the book of the prominent historian Hugo Roth " #Kosovo Origins" proves this theory as well.

Book contains several ancient maps that show Albania in the foothills of the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea.  👇
46/ In order to maintain continuity in the chronology of monitoring the movements of Albanians from their homeland on the way to #Europe (and the #Balkans), it's important to add something that Svetlana Pletnyova does not mention in her book. 👇
47/ Between 827 and 878, during battles in #Sicily between the Arabs and the Romans (Byzantines), another very important thing happened:

In that period, when there are still no Albanians anywhere in #Europe, international assembly is held in Duvno, where representatives from 👇
48/ of all Serbian principalities from Epirus to Istria were present.

Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus in his work "De administrando imperio" states that he respects all those Serbian principalities: Duklja - Zeta, Travunija (Herzegovina), Zahumlje (around the Neretva), 👇
49/ Pagania, as well as all their islands in the Adriatic sea, which he says were inhabited by #Serbs, emphasizing their diligence and comprehensively developed maritime and agricultural economy;

The emperor states with regret that he could not visit the great 👇
50/ "baptized #Serbia" behind the Dinarides in the north (some historians calls it "Western Serbia"). 

An assembly in Duvno (877), which was under the Pope patronage, gathered rulers and representatives of all Serbian principalities based in the ancient #Illyria. 👇
51/ However, none of these documents from Duvno contain any trace of the existence of some Albanian Illyrians.

During this assembly it was determined that in territory of the alliance of Serbian principalities (called #Illyricum by the Romans) - from Livno to Skadar - will be 👇
52/ organized the network of Serbian bishoprics, while their leadership was entrusted to the #Serbian Church of the city of Dioclea (Duklja on Serbian).

This has been noted by the learned Jesuit Farlati (Sacrum Illyricum, vol. 6, page 430) as well. 👇
53/ The names of these united bishoprics are indicated:

Antibarum, Budiam, Ecateram, Dulcignum, Suacium, Skodrum, Drivastus, Polletum, Sorbium, Bosonium, Tribunium, Zac (humlium).

This church organization in the alliance of #Serbian principalities takes place in the midst 👇
54/ of a campaign organized by the order of Emperor Vasilije I that #Serbs accept #Christianity (867 to 886). 

Albanians were then in the Caucasus. They were forced by the Arabs to convert to Islam. They will soon be displaced and scattered throughout the Arab caliphate, 👇
55/ before one part of them was transferred to #Sicily and southern #Italy in Arab possession.

From there, a significant part of those Albanian tribes will be transferred across the Adriatic to the #Balkans, to Serbian land (around Kroja in Zeta). 👇
56/ Historians are familiar with fact the presence of Albanians in the #Balkans was first registered by Princess and historian Anna Komnene, explaining that in 1081 that Albanoi attacked around Kroja the Norman invasion detachments on Byzantine. 👇
57/ The Romans did not want Albanian soldiers on their territory and they were expelled to the territory of Old #Serbia.

Since the ships they arrived in were confiscated, it was not possible for the Albanians to return to Caucasus Albania, so they asked the #Serbs for a 👇
58/ small piece of territory where they could settle. Prince Vojislav allowed them to stay in a place of Raban (Arbanon region).

This place was suitable for cattle breeding and was located at the foot of the mountain Jablanica. #Serbs named them Arbanasi after the place. 👇
59/ As per Dečani muniment & Dušan's law code, Arbanasi were protected as a minority.

They engaged in cattle breeding, they had no right to usurp any grassland but they could graze the cattle everywhere, of course, with the obligation to pay a special tax in cattle herds.👇
60/ The name of a modern Albania in the #Balkans was not related to Arbanasi or Arbanon region, it was given after Beligrad city (in latin language Albanopolis or Albanum). The name Albania was used first by Normans in 1081, when they captured cities Valona, Beligrad and Drač. 👇
61/ On the detailed map of #Europe, on the territory that includes the area of ​​today's Albania in the #Balkans, you can see that there were two cities - Beligrad (Belgrade on Serbian language) and Belgrade.

Serbian capital at that time had a different name. 👇
61/ In Beligrad back then was Ortodox church center, which previously used to be in Drač. With the expulsion of the Normans, the name "Albania" was lost until 1272, when it was used again by Charles I of Anjou, as he was the next one to occupy Valona, Beligrad and Drač. 👇
62/ He called this territory Regnum Albania.

As Arbanon region (including city of Raban) was not included in his Regnum Albania, we are coming to the conclusion that modern day Albania did not got the name from Albanoi or Arbanasi tribes who lived in the Arbanon region. 👇
63/ There was no connection between Arbanon inhabited by Arbanasi and ancient Albania in the #Balkans which was inhabited by #Serbs & Romans.

Arbanasi spread to the rest of the tterritory of ancient Albania only during the time of Ottoman Empire, when they destroyed entire 👇
64/ Serbian Christian cities such as Moskopolje. When Attaleiates mentions Arbanasi later in 1078, he calls them them inhabitants of Raban - Arbanon region.

Romans called them Albanoi, #Serbs called them Arbanasi, while they always called themself Shqiptar. 👇
65/ When they got a nation, they also got a new name - Albanians.

City of Beligrad (pure #Serbian word, it doesn't exist in Albanian dictionary) changed the name many times.

In the geography of Claudius Ptolemy, Beligrad is mentioned in the Latin translation - Albanopolis. 👇
66/ This translation of the name Beligrad and Belgrade (same meaning for both) into Latin, some used to connect with the Arbanasi or Albanians, without taking into account that this is just a translation of the name, Albanopolis was never the original name of the city. 👇
67/ John Cambell in the book "The Hittites" (John Nimmo, London 1891, page 290) regarding the name "Albanians" wrote:

“Albanians don't call themselves by this name... They are Shqiptar, name that means -people from the mountain-"

The fact that these tribes from the mountain 👇
68/ did not know to read and write proves the fact that first writen Albanian has been found in 15th century.

It was written in Latin alphabet, they never used Serbian Cyrillic aphabet which is proven that it was used first by #Illyrians and then by #Serbs. 👇
69/ Finally, the Latin alphabet for Albanians was standardised in 1909, shortly after the Albanian nation was created by Austria-Hungary, and a unified literary version of Albanian, based on the Tosk dialect was established in 1972.

This is 20th century!!! 😂😂😂 👇
70/ The "Dečani muniment" from 1330 specifies that #Metohija and the surrounding areas belong to the #Dečani manor (89 settlements, of which only three are inhabited by Albanians).

There were 3,433 houses in those settlements, of which only 44 (1.8 percent) were Albanian. 👇
71/ According to document from the first Turkish census in 1445, there were, half a century after the Battle of #Kosovo, only 46 newly inhabited Albanian houses in the areas of #Drenica and #Podrim, while there were counted 12.844 Serbian houses. 👇
72/ About #Serbia with an autochthonous Serbian population without admixture of Albanians, among others, wrote:

- In 1575 by Venetian traveler Sorenzo
- In 1610 by Archbishop Marinus Bizzius
- In 1639 Archbishop Giorgio Bianchi

This is a proof that #Vatican knows the truth. 👇
73/ Pope Pius II (Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini) in the book called " #Europe (c. 1400 -1458) noted that people in the modern Albania are not #Greeks nor #Illyrians ( #Serbs), as their language is not intelligible to neither of them.

He refers they arrived from Caucasus Albania. 👇
74/ Probably the most striking evidence of Albanian migrations to #Kosovo and Metohija is notable report written to #Vatican by archbishop of Skopje - Matija Mazarek.

Back in 1764, Masarek then announced that Albanians had just begun to massively migrate into Old #Serbia, 👇
75/ more precisely in the region of Djakovica in #Kosovo.

The archbishop wrote to the Pope that Albanian tribes broke in from the ravines of Prokletije mountain in the second half of the 18th century:

"Maledetti Albanesi, i quali per forza si sono impadroniti di 👇
76/ quasi tutti gli terreni scismatici e cattolici Serviani" meaning

"Cursed Albanians, who forcibly occupied the land of Orthodox #Serbs and Catholics". 👇
77/ Prior to that, the 2nd wave of Albanian tribes were brought to the #Balkans. These tribes are originally Berbers that came to #Europe under Turkish comand during Ottoman Empire.

Back then, their coming to Mediterranean coast was registered as Arbers, Turkish vassals. 👇
78/ 1st record of them came from Ragussa, it was a criminal record of theft made in 16th century. 👇

It has been registered that language of these Albanian tribes had no words for flora & fauna, for seas, boats or part of the boats, neither for weather conditions. 👇
79/ Few years back, during his lecture, Kosovo Imam Irfan Salihu confirmed that #Turks brought Albanians to the #Balkans:

“They insult that same Muslims (the Ottoman Turks) who gave them acres of land and brought them to live in #Kosovo and made them rulers of the Balkans.” 👇
80/ Under Ottoman rule, Albanians converted to Islam in order to get more benefits and many of their tribes flourished in the Ottoman Empire.

The fact that #Vatican was aware of everything about them yet consciously participated in the falsification of documents and history 👇
81/ of both the Serbian and Albanian people can be proven by numerous documents and books from #Vatican archives.

For an example, this book confirms:

-Illyrian is #Serbian
- #Illyrian alphabet is Serbian cyrillic alphabet
- Illyrian language and alphabet were used by #Slavs 👇
82/ In the book "Catalogus impressorum librorum bibliothecae" from 1674 it is noted the following:

"Christian doctrine with prayers, psalms and litanies and spiritual thoughts in Serbian or Illyrian." 👇
83/ Saint Jerome (lat. Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus; 331 - 420), origin from #Dalmatia is registered as a #Slav, while Dalmatia in all ancient documents was mentioned as Serbian principality and part of #Illyria ( #Illyricum). 👇
84/ In 1750 Sebastiano Dolci published a biography of St. Jerome. In his book "Illyricae linguae vetustate et amplitudin" it's noted:

- In a letter to his friend, Eusebious (Saint Jerome) says that he translated the gospels and the psalms into "the language of his people." 👇
85/ Those books are probably hidden by #Vatican, but his letter that he wrote to Pope Damasus in 376. has been saved  Sebastiano mentiones the letter was written in #Serbian ( #Slavic).

Pope Damasus was born in #Portugal, and since Eusebius writes to him in Serbian 👇
86/ it proves that he spoke #Serbian ie Illyrian. And not only him, but many bishops from Roman Catholic Church.

St. Jerome wrote to him in old Serbian script which is today wrongly called " #Cyrillic". In his time it was called "Staroslovienska #Bukvica". 👇
88/ Like many other historians, Dolci under the #Illyrians included all people of #Serbian origin who are also called #Slavs:

"...with one feeling (heart), with Czechs, Poles, Dalmatians and other Illyrians (which I have listed in this short study), praise our Lord." 👇
89/ #Illyrian-German dictionary from 18th century by Illyrian language considered only #Serbian language, since in a dictionary we can see that for grammar is used Serbian grammar (still in use) which is translated into German. 👇
90/ After the #Illyrian people fade away from the ancient historical documents, from the early middle ages until 19th century Illyrian name has been widely used for Serbs and then for #Slavs - since name "Slavs" was another name for #Serbs, according to numerous historians. 👇
91/ Johann Gottfried Eichhorn, German theologian, in his book documented that the oldest name for #Slavs was #Serbs.

This has been confirmed by Caroli Du Fresne Domini Du Cange in "Illyricum Vetus & Novum" (Haeredum Royerianorum, Posonii 1746, page 33) 👇
92/ "At that time, #Serbs were also mentioned under different names, usually by the names of individual countries, but also as Spori or #Slavs.

The name Slavs just then appeared as a general and vulgar name for Serbs." 👇
93/ Karl Freiherr von Czoernig confirmed:

"The original and common name of all Slavs was #Serbs".

E. Pricot De Sainte-Marie in the book "Les Slaves Merdinoaux" (Armand Lechevalier, Paris 1874) wrote:

"The name #Slavs first appeared in 552 by Jornandes and Procopius." 👇
94/ Johann Kaspar Zeuß, German historian, linguist and Celtologist, wrote a book „Die Deutschen und die Nachbarstämme“ where he stated:

"The Serbs have such a huge kingdom that all Slavic peoples descended from it, which they themselves confirm." 👇
95/ Ludwig Albrecht Gebhardi in his book „Geschichte der Königreiche Dalmatien, Kroatien, Szlavonien, Servien, Raszien, Bosnien, Rama und des Freystaats Ragusa“ from 1805. describes five #Serbian empires, relying on many old sources, including the famous Jesuit historian 👇
96/ Daniele Farlati, and wrote some extremely interesting lines about the ancient history of the #Serbs.

He calls old Serbs "Serbian #Wends", who are locals in the Kingdom of #Serbia, #Rascia, #Bosnia and Rama, and in the Dalmatian coast from Omis to Durres, stretching 👇
97/ east to the Vardar River.

Gebhardi believes that one part of #Serbs were settled mostly in #Germany, more precisely they came from Silesia region and #Poland, defining that area as White or Greater #Serbia.

It is interesting that he mentions the "great region" 👇
98/ in "German #Serbia", which was called "Dalmatia" or "Dalmincerland", which is mentioned in the Frankish chronicles too. He connects this name with the Dalmatians in the south and calls them "Dalmatian #Serbs".

He also mentions the kingdom of Srbica (Sarvitza) 👇
99/ in the Thessaloniki, which was also mentioned by Porphyrogenitus, and says that in 1348 it had its own king.

He then mentions the #Serbian empire which expanded so much over two centuries that it occupied parts of #Dacia, #Dardania, most of #Dalmatia ( #Bosnia and the 👇
100/ terrotory between Omis and #Montenegro), and the coast to Durres.

Gebhardi calls this #Illyrian Serbia "Red or Beautiful #Serbia", while the smallest Serbian empire, the aforementioned Thessaloniki Serbia he calls "Black Serbia". 👇
101) Before #Berlin Congress in 1878 when it was agreed to push for newly created Albanian nation, synonim for #Illyrians was mostly the name for #Serbs, or sometimes #Slavs.

That can be seen in numerous documents and maps from #Germany and #Austria-Hungary monarchy.👇
102/ The denial of #Serbian history before Nemanjić royal family began after the #Berlin Congress and flourished during Yugoslavia under Tito, when it was considered that everything Serbian should be destroyed, because it's an obstacle to "brotherhood and unity" of #Yugoslavia 👇
103/ This has been evidenced by many writters. Cyprien Robert in his book from 1844 noted the following:

"German science tries to present #Slavs as intruders in #Europe. Slavs are European intruders as well as Greeks, both who were there before Goths, those German ancestors. 👇
104/ It can actually be said that #Germany was created on the fragmentation of the #Slavic kingdoms, because even in the time of Charlemagne everything that was not Frankish on the other side of the Rhine was Slavic.

Present-day #Austria was inhabited only by #Slavs, while in 👇
105/ Prussia until the 16th century the intruder were #Germans, who existed only as a vassal to the #Poles."

Robert Gordon Latham, English ethnologist and philologist, in his book equates the name #Serbs, #Slavs and #Slavonians. 👇
106/ On the page 538 of the same book, under Serbian territories and #Serbian nation he included:

#Serbia, Slavonia, Transylvania, New Serbia on the Dniester river inhabited in 1754, #Bosnia and Herzegovina, #Dalmatia, Dubrovnik and #Montenegro. 👇
107/ Under the influence of propaganda that the Arbanasi were descendants of the #Illyrians, that Agron & Teuta were their rulers, and that Serbian nobleman Ðurađ Kastriotić (Skenderbeg) is the prince of Epirus was taken as their national hero, the Shqiptar nation was created. 👇
108/ This is the only case in the history where one nation is formed by stealing other nation's history and historical figures.

So, in the name of the historical rights of that nation, formed in such way, the #Serbs are denied the moral right to both history and territory. 👇
109/ How can we have trust in European science who supported and justified groundless new age theories?

The German scientific imperialism inspired by Vatican, which paved the way for German military and political imperialism and papism, created chaos in science and instigated 👇
110/ many crimes. Today, when Nordic school and #Vatican are being exposed by many, there are still plenty of lies and forgeries that needs to be shared with world. 👇

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