Absolutely phenomenal thread on Gandhi’s dislike of Sikhs for their martial values. His interpretation of “sava lakh se ek ladaun”, as “each Sikh should be willing to give 125,000 people’s worth of their own blood for nonviolent resistance” is particularly laughable and cringe. https://twitter.com/amaanbali/status/1311980916823093249
Gandhi‘s views on the Sikhs is not in isolation - it was undoubtedly a broader Congress view, that Sikhs were implacable to their political aims while also holding beliefs that they deemed to be antiquated against their idea of linear historical progress.
This IMO spills over to the reasons why Nehru and early Congress leadership was so apprehensive over Sikh militarism and social dominance and is neatly followed-up with Indira’s anti-Sikh policies in the 80s
One thing I do admire about Sikh zeitgeist in the 1920s was that it was able to collectively give the snub to MK Gandhi’s attempts to “modernize” their heritage and lead them as bastions for empty moral platitudes - and they instead pushed for their own agenda on their own terms
Do Sikhs have that internal cohesion and collective strength now - to stand where they stand while seemingly the world collects on another? Will have to see, but I have my doubts.
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