Max Cooper-Reflect
also I need to repost this again because it's so bonkers and good (epilepsy warning though, this is flash-tastic) 
same artist (Páraic McGloughlin) also made a video for the aforementioned Max Cooper and that's amazing as well [still epilepsy warning, though]
The McGloughlins are brothers though, and the other one (Kevin) is another frequent collaborator of Max Cooper's and has done videos such as this (which I posted a while back)
incidentally, every single video for this project ("Yearning for the Infinite" ) that I've seen has been beautiful and mesmerizing
yet more Cooper-McGloughlin coop magic, this time Páraic again
and another one (Kevin again), this time something completely different but also great!
one more, this one's not by the McGloughlins but still Max Cooper/Yearning For The Infinite and also fantastic (and very chill, which seems like a good note to close this thread on)
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