Lee Dohyun reminds me of Ju Jihoon

They are multitalented actors who can pulled off both flower boy and sexy charisma image within themselves.
I don't know whether the style of their acting or the same deep masculine voice who make me think this way but they are oddly similiar.
They were wearing similiar outfit and concept for esquire magazine. I think we can see them undeniably radiating the same mysterious and chic vibe.
I am not comparing them cause it would be such a burden for Lee Dohyun himself. But I am really looking forward to Lee Dohyun's acting and I wish he will be given the opportunity to follow Ju Jihoon's carreer path as one of the outstanding actor in south korea.
Trend always change and I believe that's also the case in south korea because these days sharp looking with monolids actors are high on demand.

There are distinctive aura about them. The eyes that could radiate the sharpness yet can be looking so vulnerable.
I think we can all agree that they have a talent in modelling. The way they always kill every photoshoot tho. Freaking sexy.
No doubt that they remind me of each other.
Standing tall above 180 cm.
Let's give a lot of support for both of them! Lee Dohyun currently stars in #18Again and Ju Jihoon is expected to make a comeback with #Jirisan in 2021.

Here's the smiling picture to brighten up your day!
I need to update this thread cause damn... their nose tips are so freakin cool.

*i just realize that Lee Dohyun has cute double eyelids 😗😗😗 sorry
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