Every Friday night, I watch a different vampire film and lightly live-tweet it.
Tonight’s offering is SUCK (2009).
Join me at 7pm BST for vampirey fun!
Go go go for rock vampires!
This is the weirdest party I’ve ever seen. And I had no idea this film was a musical. It is SUPER weird.
The acting is... poor.
Jennifer now looks like a bad drag queen. Weird make up choices.
And of course Malcolm McDowell is in it as a vampire hunter. He loves this kind of camp rubbish.
That dream sequence did not make sense. And it was, like the rest of this film, super weird.
Where did they get this old footage of McDowell smoking and drinking? Excellent archive usage 😂
This film is DEFINITELY growing on me. The customs scene, and this convenience store scene, are really fun.
Hugo deserves to be a vampire’s minion because Hugo is a douche who talks about himself in the third person.
“I’m in love with Jennifer. I don’t know if it’s because she’s hot, or because she’s the only girl around, but either way I’m totally smitten.”
Hugo’s gone totally Renfield 😂
“I can explain.”
“You can explain? You can explain why you’re chewing on a severed arm?”
Okay, so it’s less a musical than it is a film with musical interludes. And all of them are kind of crap. I definitely prefer the film to the strangely crowbarred music video bits.
Iggy Pop is never not creepy and weird. Alice Cooper is never not creepy and weird. In some ways, they’re both perfect for this film.
The lead singer from this band is a total wanker. Actually, pretty much everyone in this film is a wanker.
I really dislike the lead singer’s voice and also all the songs he sings. So that’s a negative.
“I really don’t need people to make my decisions for me.”
“Yeah, you do. You’re a drummer.”
Oh wow Rollins cannot act. Also, that wig is exciting.
Okay, the weird Alice Cooper dream sequence finally makes sense.
“Vampires are ultimately cool.”
You’re not wrong, Alice Cooper.
God the acting in this film is soooooo bad.
I really hate the lead singer guy. He’s so irritating, and his character is such a wanker. I resent him being presented as the hero.
Oooohhhh the annoying lead singer guy was also the writer and director. No wonder he seemed so out of his depth.
Overall, I enjoyed several of the jokes a lot, but I don’t think the film really worked as a whole, it was a total sausage fest, and the main character was miscast.
Looks like I broke this thread 🤦‍♀️
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