How did India gain reputation in NG as the ‘goto’ place for ‘quality software’ & IT infrastructure

Every code base I’ve managed that’s previously owned by ‘Indian’ developers have been terrible, stack overflow copy pasta, codecayon scripts, no plan for maintenance, just vibes
I understand there are amazing Indian deves that works for Fortune companies and the big 5

But this are too few & far inbtw to gain such a reputation that’s lasted for as long as I can remember (since I was a kid)

It’s always, that guy went to India a dumbo & came back a wizard
Is this really true or our standards, then and now are terribly low?

Could this be a kind of reputation thing that because it meets those criteria in the past (when IT isn’t as complex as it is now) and they are still riding on that?
I’ve also seen many people on this space swore they’ll rather give Indians there money than Nigerians because they get results

Probably that’s fair, I’ll also put it as a lack of proper vetting process in place or expectations not clearly stated
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