Reading memoirs made lockdown 1 a bit less shit. Maybe the complete escape into another life, maybe the hope they all inevitably give cos no matter how bad it got, they have written a memoir. Here’s the ones I read since March, in case ur stocking up for curfewed winter nights:
First not in pic cos have lent out #SpringfieldRoad by @salenagodden full of beach town beauty & brutality & brilliant words / #BrownBaby by @nikeshshukla brimming w/ This Is Us levels of family memories & questions. Anger at a racist sexist society answered w/ limitless love💕
Then #TheGreaterFreedom (also not pictured) by @alyamooro which reflected back paragraphs of my own life in ways I’d never thought I’d see in a book & delved into less covered sides of being a Middle Eastern woman with page turning ease.
Extraordinary #Lowborn by @ThatKerryHudson which had that rare but coveted book-effect of pushing me into truly looking differently at aspects of my life & will be held close forever more / #MyPastIsAForeignCountry by @ZebaTalk totally transported & rocked me, mesmerising.
Absolute queer muslim story heaven #WeHaveAlwaysBeenHere by @therealsamsam was glorious in every way a book can be / #ImAfraidOfMen by @vivekshraya was a short sharp soft shock of superb memoir writing - both Canadian literary treasures for the ages.
#MomentsofSignificance by @mcangeluk was a raw look at how life breaks u & refined look at how u put it together again / #HomelandElegy by @ayadakhtar is personal political reflective perfection in mind blowing prose.
#HowToWriteIt by @Anthony1983 is a guide & also a mini memoir, full of prompts & poignant memories. It literally fits in ur pocket but lives in ur heart & mind / #MyNameIsWhy by @lemnsissay has been called ‘searing, incredible, unputdownable’ it is absolutely all this & more.
#MyWhiteBestFriend (& other letters left unsaid) compiled by @Rachel_Delahay not strictly memoir but most memorable moving letters ur ever likely to read / #AWorkingDiary by @AdrianLester @Lolitachakra is a gorgeous galvanising glimpse into the daily working life of two legends.
All of these are real stories I wish I’d been able to read when I was younger but so grateful they’re around now. Also TBR #WhatHaveIDone by @LauraDockrill - pls recommend any other must read memoirs for the stormy days ahead 📚💞
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