I see Miscarriage trending...but has anyone heard of missed miscarriage? Storytime!!! Here's what happened to me
October 2016, I'd been trying to keep it together but I was dying inside. Roughly three weeks after my positive pregnancy test, an ultrasound showed that the embryo did not have a heartbeat. I was DEVASTATED!!!
The doc surmised, I had a Missed Miscarriage. I had pregnancy symptoms but the "baby" was dead. He advised that the next step was to remove the tissue from the womb. He agreed to give me a few days so I could condition mind for the procedure.
Fast Fwd to D-DAY, I arrived at his office decked out in black because I was in mourning. Before proceeding he did another ultrasound, and I watched his draw drop, a miracle was unfolding before his eyes, and well ears too, because suddenly life was emerging from my womb.
Yes it was a heartbeat. My pain instantly turned to joy. Sadly although my story ended with a positive twist (Zuri is now 3) many women have not been as lucky. Our bodies are so complex...
With a Missed Miscarriage also known as a silent Miscarriage, there's no bleeding, no cramps, no pain. A woman isn't even aware that something has gone wrong.
Which is why prenatal care is extremely important. Once diagnosed you can either wait for the embryonic tissue to pass out naturally, or do the procedure to have it removed.
I am grateful everyday for my miracle baby but my heart hurts everytime I hear about woman losing her baby. No matter the stage of pregnancy, the physical and emotional scars are tremendous.
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