Worried about talk of FI being regulated by FCA and potential tax implications?



There’s nothing to worry about...

▶️The main reason not to be worried is by looking at Spread Betting

▶️Similar to FI you are not buying the actual traded instrument. In our case footballers

▶️We are speculating on the price of the product to rise or fall

▶️In simple terms this puts it outside of UK Tax laws
Why FCA regs is better than Gambling regs?

➡️It is a closer match to the product
➡️Offers better protection to traders
➡️It is more attractive regulator for Institutional investors and HNWI
➡️Would open up more opportunities such as leverage and margin trading
Change is always a challenge and we are seeing huge change right now.

➡️Short term is FI going to be a rocky road? Definitely

➡️Have FI been less than perfect implementing this? Yes


➡️Is everything being said about future plans beneficial to the product? Absolutely!
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