When its said All Men are Trash, it doesn't mean that all men are rapists or all men have assaulted women. It means that most of the men (enough %age to make that statement), if not all have at some point contributed to making the environment unsafe for women (1/n)
This includes men who have a voice but refuse to stand and raise it against the violence against women, specially Dalits and those from marginalized women. It also includes men who are complicit in hushing up the crime , destroying evidence, questioning motives (2/n)
It also includes men who have actively, through their comments or gestures made any situation unsafe for women. For most its enough to feel unsafe at all situations in the future (3/n)
It also includes men who has passively, by turning a blind eye or condoning inappropriate behaviour around them, have made situation uncomfortable. (4/n)
Lets also acknowledge that whether you intentionally did one of the above (or in any other manner), you are part of the men are trash. Its just that this number is large enough, the crimes are gruesome enough for any women to feel unsafe around any unknown man. (5/n)
By virtue of the fact that its IMPOSSIBLE for women to trust any unknown man or even KNOWN men is enough to say that All Men are Trash. The numbers speak for themselves. (6/n)
Don't fucking fight it. Don't fucking argue. Don't fucking give 1 example to say that one exception is enough to disprove 'all'. Shut the fuck up. Please recognize your privilege and what the entire gender is doing. Listen. And for god fucking sake, change your behaviour. (n/n)
To all women, specially members of the marginalized communities- I'm sorry I don't claim to be an expert. I may have missed some nuances or even very obvious stuff. Please feel free to educate me and all the other men who might come across this thread. (n+1)
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