Manchester United have one of the most unbalanced squads in world football and this idea that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is doing some kind of good rebuild job is laughable.

A short thread.

Hope this helps
GK - We have one of the best GKs in the world (despite form)

We had a perfectly competent back up doing his job just fine.

Instead of leaving it that, We are forcing an academy player in for no reason other than the fact he's an academy player.
Full Back - 3 of them can't attack in any way shape or form. Full backs aren't there to defend, but even if they were, 3 of them can't do that either.

The other one who's clearly the best of the bunch never gets a game and will likely be sold.
CB. We've got a massive collection of centre backs. 1 and a half out of the 7 is good enough for the club. One of the slightly competent ones is being sold ahead of much worse options.

Our captain is the worst of them and has one of the worst CVs in football.

Just Matic. Every game until he inevitably gets injured from playing every game. Nobody else in the squad at all than can play a similar role to any kind of competent level. Not even for one half of football to give him a rest.
McTominay and Fred are the same useless thing as eachother of chasing superior footballers, zero ability on the ball

Our best CM is being played far too deep to accommodate a penalty merchant, that penalty merchant can't play any deeper because he gives the ball away too much
VDB has now been signed for fuck knows what reason who obviously wants to play as a #10, but he'll be shoved somewhere else to accommodate said penalty merchant, whilst our best CM is shunted even deeper.
RW - Absolutely nothing. Square pegs in round holes every fucking single game.

Greenwood is clearly a ST and played all of his youth career there.

Daniel James had 3 games at RW until he met Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and is clearly (very marginally) better on the left.
LW -

Our best LW thinks he's a striker and is being pandered to by a weak manager.

Ole clearly wanted to play Rashford at ST but it went so badly that he got shunted to LW rather than upgraded upon at ST.
ST - Ighalo and Greenwood. One of them is a joke and the other is a young player we shouldn't be pinning our hopes on. We play a bloke who's highest career total is 23 there most games and our fans pretend it's good enough. It isn't.
Zero flexibility in the squad, We're basically restricted to either dropping some of our best players or always playing 4231 with half of the team out of position. Whoever replaces Ole has a lot to fix. Worst squad we've had in years by far.

Hope this helps
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