Are there programming languages that use logic which doesn't require much in the way of numbers? It can have mathematics/logic, but I am very bad w/arithmetic specifically. The more numbers I have to hold in my head, the more the logic falls apart. But the logic itself I can do.
I just am not sure if there are languages that work like this, outside of really limited stuff like HTML and Wiki (which I'm pretty OK at, actually, albeit a bit rusty at this point).
(And object/prototype scripting languages aren't great either because there's still a lot of remembering where things are and constantly defining/referring to that so they're not intuitive, either. "Learn C" isn't a good answer.)
Things like HTML and Wiki I could always do because, outside of just not being that complicated (to the point I know some people question whether they're really languages to begin with), everything within them is completely, 100% linear.
All instructions and content are encapsulated by tags and/or delimiters. It's a giant venn diagram, but with characters. You're more just organizing stuff that already exists on a screen than telling the machine to actually *do* anything.
So it's more like design than "proper" programming, even though you are using text to tell an interpreter what to do with data.
It's intuitive, but it's not creating anything from scratch. Is there something that is intuitive in that same way (more spatial logic than numeric) but actually *is* giving direct instruction that creates and manipulates data, as opposed to simply arranging it on a corkboard?
Conventional computers are by definition binary, which does limit the way in which we can give them instructions in the first place. Everything has to eventually be converted into assembly. So any real programming language is going to have to have some math involved.
It just seem to me like there must be a way to allow someone who struggles with (biological) working memory to speak to the processor in concepts more often than numbers, names more often than locations. If that makes any sense at all.
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