If you are hot on the internet you will be successful and join any group and be famous, relative to these subcategories: funny clothes, normal, tattoo person, music enjoyer, etc. Highschool conditions people permanently. Only way to fix this is a gun that makes people babies.
Something actually radical? Being ugly. If you are actually ugly and not attractive conventionally or unconventionally, you should fully embrace this and not try to be hot. In hot world there is no standard for anything you can be a bad person but if you're hot, you get a pass.
If you're hot, know that looks will fade quickly and you will look weird soon. Start writing a book of jokes, these jokes will come in handy when you have to join the world of ugly people, you will have something useful to offer (the funny jokes you wrote while hot.)
And if you're ugly you're still sexy. Having a body is sexy. If you're a kid just be a kid and don't think about being hot. Kids aren't hot. When I was 17 I watched Doctor Who all day.
You can follow @ihavedisease.
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