There have been a long spree of reporters tweeting this while leaving out the very next line, that she is referring to people who ignored immigration abuses under Obama. Such a long spree after so many people correcting them that it seems like it's intentional.
You can have a press that's super adversarial towards people in power -- republican, democrat, whatever -- and retain the public trust but having a hyper-partisan press is a recipe for delegitimization.
Furthermore because these reporters are acting like political operatives, they're making people more scared, anxious, and contemptuous of the other side and making polarization worse. You would *want* the president+admin to be less extreme. They want them to be *more extreme*
Because the more extreme your claim, the more clicks, views, shares, book deals, TV appearances you get. The whole thing is set up that way...
It's also a cycle -- by giving Trump so much more exposure than the other candidates in 2015-2016, they fed tons of fear/anxiety into the public. Now, they learned how much that sells and just amp it up in any other way possible.
If Trump loses the election, I imagine a lot of these networks will find fringe actors on the right and amp up their presence+threat level beyond whatever it rationally poses for the same reason, fear/anxiety sells.
People on the conservative side will view them as basically acting as political operatives for the Democrats, which is true to some extent, but a big part of the underlying motivation is they looked at what News Corp did for years and realized it makes huge amounts of money.
Zucker discovered Trump, elevated Trump, Trump's elected, now Zucker has a network that tells you Trump is going to end the world every single day, because every chain in that series of events makes $.
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