talking about planetary dignity/debility in terms of the relationship of the agent to their environment has astronomically changed how insightful readings are for me
a planet in rulership/domicile is one that is self-contained, unencumbered by the influence of marks an agent who acts of their own accord within the context of their own environment as their environment is tailored to their agenda.
a planet in exaltation is one in a place of privilege yet marks an agent whose environment provides for them and gives them the tools to succeed in the performance of their desired agenda.
a planet in exile or in a place antithetical to its nature is an agent forced to adapt to their environment...there is discomfort with having to adopt a different means of accomplishing their ends and requires outlets outside of that environment of discomfort to thrive.
a planet in depression or in fall is in a sunken marks an agent held back by their environment. to adapt makes one appear inappropriately placed...they are easily taken for granted or out of context.
the environment in question is the house illustrating the area of life..the sign the quality of that environment...the agent's ability to enact itself is contingent in its environment...
planets carry with them the weight of the environments that they are able to thrive in when they are in other planet's signs...
in the case of essential debility, this allows us to see the outlets where they can properly thrive with these adapted energies.
in the case of essential dignity, we see what means necessitate comfortability and the ability to not have to change.
there is beauty & difficulty in the way these planets express themselves in all signs...bc on a personal level, we can see them enacted in many different contexts...
but on the level of essential dignity/debility, we readily see how impactful environment brings in the proper context to readily understand how these placements really come forward.
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