Breaking—Hope Hicks was indeed SYMPTOMATIC on Wednesday night when she got tested. Which means she was most definitely contagious even before Wednesday (one can transmit while pre-symptomatic).
3) Yet here is Trump mocking Joe Biden at Tuesday's debate for wearing a mask
4) There is an “incubation” time from exposure to symptoms (if any). But that varies widely. Average 5 days. But sometimes 2 days sometimes 14 days or even occasionally longer. So exposure of initial infection doesn’t mean instantly contagious to others.
5) We need a long discussion of Hope Hick and incubation time. Because it matters how many need to be quarantined and how quickly we need to find other cases. 👇
6) And let’s not also forget risk of airplane transmissions on AF1...

There was a case of Korean woman who carefully wore an N95 mask on a plane entire time *except when using the ✈️ bathroom 🚽*—and still infected. Assuming handwashed, suggest airborne.
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