Ok so Here is my personal thread on this crap, Kind of got at it late but wanted to make sure I wasn't saying shit that people have already covered.

tl;dr pass on it, Its exactly what you would expect from an anime inspired show from Scifi....oh sorry SYFY🙄
For starters lets get some stuff out of the way, Here is the actual episode so you can watch it for yourself. Though trust me there are better ways of watching it....like reviews of this show...because there overall funnier.
Ok so its clear that the show is trying to be a parody of WACKY ANIME TROPES! many of the jokes are meant to make fun of common magical girl tropes....problem is that much of its jokes have been done better by other shows AND funny enough by the magical girl Genre itself.
A good example and one I found funny was the clear mocking of ALL magical girl outfits by parodying Kill La Kill....which was itself a Parody of the magical girl Genra.

Dont believe me? compare the shows outfits with those of Sailor moon and Kill la kill.

parodying a...parody
Hell the "OMG THIS IS LEWD" outfit is so damn overplayed that parodys have moved on to new ways of doing it, magical girl turns into man for example.

or just moving on from outfits all together.
Hell literally The man who made cutie honey(Go Nagai) the grandfather of magical girl anime made a parody

(Note: Dont look up Kekko Kamen if you are under 18, seriously dont)

The joke of Kekko Kamen is that she is LITERALLY naked...like only mask, gloves and boots. no clothes.
It makes me question how big the people who made this show are into anime, and how much of what they mock THEY HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN. nothing about this show seems genuine besides a Cowboy Bebop reference.
Speaking of references.....why is it that the references in the background look better then the actual character designs???? Infact WHY DOES THE BACKGROUND HAVE MORE SHADDING THEN THE ACTUAL CHARACTERS???
GOD everything in this show is so flimsy, you have to genuinely try hard to find good scenes in this thing. With the fight scene being the winner of the "who the fuck gave you an animation degree" award.

wish I could show you some animations but idk how to do that with pictures
I get it fight scenes are hard to animate, hell Trigger (the dudes who made kill la kill) had to work on a shoe string budget when they first started out and had the same problem with animating a big action scene so they improvised and made INFERNO COP!!!
Inferno Cop is probably one of the best Parodies of all time, its stupid trigger fun and I recommend it to everyone.
Of course a parody is nothing without its jokes.....and heavy handed politics....right?
this is meant to be a single episode of what I assume is a 10-22 episode series.....YET THEY SOMEHOW FOUND THE TIME TO MAKE REFERENCES TO (EHM) *pulls out papers
-climate change.
-white males
-Capitalism bad
-Job Monogamy?
-Men get all the credit
-fat dumb basement dwellers
Expect this person to represent any negative criticism and be demonized for daring to not like this show.
Welp woke up so Guess I'll finish up this thread by talking about the absurd story that really just confuses the EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF ME. Firstly did you know one of the bad guys were originally Donald Trump? Because he is...
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