Here’s some awareness on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) just because I was in denial about it for years & lived through the symptoms not understanding the long term effects it was causing me.

This is for y’all who’re in denial or still unaware of PCOS ❤️

1. An estimated 1 in 10 women have PCOS. (I literally had a jaw drop for a good 2mins when my gynaecologist told me this.)

2. Women with PCOS have higher rates of anxiety and depression. (I wish I was told about this earlier,before having to blame myself for my anxiety attacks)
3. PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility.

4. Elevated insulin or insulin resistance are NOT in the diagnostic area of PCOS but are seen in the majority of women with PCOS.

5. Despite its name, NOT ALL WOMEN with PCOS actually have cysts on their ovaries.
6. Less than 50% of women are properly diagnosed, leaving millions of women living with symptoms that go unsupported. (After years of irregular cycles & insane cramps which I thought was perfectly normal, I finally decided to get myself checked)
7. Sleep disturbances have been found to be twice as common in women with PCOS compared to those without. (It’s either I’m on an insomnia marathon for a week straight during my period or I wake up every hour during the night and wake up exhausted af the next morning)
8. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in women with PCOS at middle age is 6.8 times higher than that of the general female population.

9. Women with PCOS have a higher incidence of gestational diabetes, miscarriages, preterm deliveries and stillbirths.
10. Women with PCOS may have more difficulty breastfeeding and producing sufficient milk for their babies.

11. ALL symptoms of PCOS is treatable,& can be managed naturally with the right approach.This may include diet & lifestyle changes, herbs & supplements & stress management.
12. Signs of PCOS may include:

•Hirsutism - a condition in women that results in excessive growth of dark or coarse hair in a male-like pattern on their face, chest and back. (My issue was and still is excessive upper lip hair growth & hair removal for it is torturous af)

• Hair loss
• Acne
• Weight gain
• Infertility
• Irregular cycles - basically when your cycle length varies by more than 20 days from month to month.(I used to get my period once every 2 months OR twice every month, it was super frustrating as my hormones were fucked)

• Hot flashes - sudden feeling of warmth in the upper body,which is usually most intense over the face,neck and chest. Your skin might redden as if you're blushing.(This is frustrating when you’re trying to sleep & realise these unnecessary heat & sweats are ruining it for u)

• Bloating - may feel like you've gained weight or like your abdomen or other parts of your body are tight or even swollen. (THIS MAKES ME SO INSECURE AS I TEND TO FEEL HEAVIER & COMPLETELY UNCOMFORTABLE)

• Brain fog - lack of memory/focus(Me,all day just before & during pms)

• Anxiety - due to hormonal fluctuations, PMS interrupts & upsets that balance, often triggering symptoms like increased anxiety. (I deal with hyperventilation, cold sweats, quite often start trembling and don’t even get me started on the post anxiety exhaustion😑)
As much as PCOS is common among women, unfortunately there’s still no cure found yet and the only remedy we’ve got is to calm the symptoms. Always get yourself checked when you come across any irregularity. It took me years, you shouldn’t make my mistake.

Ok love y’all bye 😘
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