TO: state bars, state supreme court justices, state legislators, and whoever else with power who reads my twitter:

please grant diploma privilege to bar applicants this year. it's not too late!

(yes to EVERYONE including people who recently withdrew & LLMs & other states etc)
2/ many people will still take the online exam on Monday. FINE. but don't MAKE them. don't punish people who couldn't afford new computers or whose family members died during a fucking pandemic.

who cares that you walked uphill in the snow both ways to take the bar exam? not me!
3/ there are MANY other hurdles people still must overcome to become lawyers! they take the MPRE! they take state exams (eg NYLE). they go through rigorous character & fitness reviews! they take the LSAT & then take exams every semester for THREE YEARS! and they dues!
4/ people have given ExamSoft/state bars/NCBE/etc. enough of their data & trust & money. why give them hours of videos of us & suffer through an opaque review process :(

sorry 2 all applicants for spending a bunch of time both sides-ing this thing.

thank you!
p.s. FYI I'm not a member of U4DP but this is just ridiculous OK bye

(I have no illusion that this will ACTUALLY affect things but I have been pushed over the edge with the, uh, lack of candor from bars & ExamSoft & NCBE. I am going full wall street journal editorial page.)
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