Raising funds to move as I don’t feel safe in my current residence!

All of these are somewhat hard to come by, and very large so sorry for high prices but shipping is KILLER.

RTs much appreciated!

Strawberry Rilakkuma

$40 USA priority shipping included
Aloha Rilakkuma Bundle

$70 USA priority shipping included
Rilakkuma Stripes

Hard to come by set!

$70 USA priority shipping included
Korilakkuma Bundle

I don’t have the matching Rilakkuma to go with these, so selling as a big bundle! Absolute steal of a price for all included!!

$100 USA priority shipping included
Fluffy Cats

Brand new, mine shown for reference.

$60 for both USA priority shipping included
Fluffy Doggos

$30 each or $60 for both USA priority shipping included
Fluffy birbs

Brand new, mine shown for reference!

Both for $60 USA priority shipping included
Stoat/Otter plush

He’s hard to find! I searched the internet and couldn’t find him for so long!! Finally Toreba put him up again. Now I have an extra.

Mine is shown for reference, you’ll get the new one!

$50 USA priority shipping included
Corgi Plush

Aww who could say no?? I won him but realized I already had a red collar one.

Mine shown for reference, these guys are big!!

$50 USA priority shipping included
Alpaca Bundle

Both these cuties are so soft and fluffy! One is very large and one is a bit smaller but still a good sized plush!

$60 for both USA priority shipping included
Mochi Plush Bundle

Super stretchy and squishy dudes!

$40 for both USA priority shipping included
May have more this weekend, but I’m tired of taking pics and weighing for shipping lol
You can follow @KazzysPlush.
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