Is there a Talmud twitter for crowdsourced questions about the Talmud? @EntheoloJew @vpcalabrese @eli_rosenblatt Who should I follow? I have questions.
I mean, like, questions generated by studying with my hevruta. (We have been in the first chapter of Brakhot for ..... a very long time.)
Okay, while I have you all gathered here: here's question #1, from Brakhot end of 8a (in Hebrew Steinsaltz) (or beginning of 8b in Vilna?) - We were so puzzled by the passage about Rav Papa and the "bed of an Aramit"....
Is there any historical context for this? It seems like some kind of ancient world blood libel? It's so strange.
You can follow @jbsteinhardt.
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