Q:- How would citizens make money and earn a living?

A:- They wouldn't.

Money is a flawed concept, one which we have woven into the very fabric of our society and believe is a vital aspect of social order.

In a society founded in mutual aid and the collective, 1/
There isn't any real need for money to exist.

We wish to build a world where there is no rent, no bills, and where you can step take whatever you want from the collective store. Want a game? Download it. Want some music, it's there.

There is no need transaction.

This requires a conscious working class and reframing of how we see our labour and the assets we produce.

Without the threat of depreviation and an end of capitalistic excess we are free to exist how we want. Our labour used for the individual or communal benefit instead.


This is a huge reduction of a complex economic model and it is by far not a single truth. There are many models of Anarchist economy and each have their merits.

I am happy to answer more specific questions on the same topic and extend this tho x
Q2:- Why would I work if I wasn't being paid.

A2:- Capitalism works by threatening you either directly or by proxy with deprevation to one level or another. For some this will be the lack of luxuries, the our housing of food.

Right now you work simply to survive capitalism. 1/
In an Anarchist society you would be free to choose your labour as you and your community require.

You're housing, rates, and general requirements are all met whether or not you choose to do anything with your day.

Anarchists would be keen to keep the roads in a good state for the same reason they are keen to keep up household maintenance. We extend this mutualism outwords as appropriate and allow it to scale.

We do this from the local, as opposed to putting some national concept first. 3/
So why would you work? For the same reason you keep your house tidy, potter in the allotment, practice your carpentry or work on a shared project online with someone you've never met.

Your labour should be a choice, not something you do our of fear. 4/
If this means you you have a road with potholes, then you have a road with potholes. It is YOUR responsibility as an individual and as a community to fix that. Not threaten some other worker with destitution if they don't serve you directly or indirectly.

Q3. What would stop me from taking everything in the store.

A3. Nothing more than social pressure and a lack of want.

Whenever the deprived get access to something they want, there is a spike in excess. To me this is pretty much the same whether it's released prisoners 1/
looters after an earthquake or black market shoppers.

We'll see the same thing with any revolutionary change. However slow the just transition is, those who grew up in a capitalisty societ will hoard. It's an understandable mental response.

Then we move on and grow 2/
developing as individuals and communities.

We have to learn to share resources as a collective and utilise them in a equitable manner. Without the politicals of self interest we are happy to share our means and assets. The idea that every house needing a lawnmower forgotten. 3/3
Q4: What if I don't know how to fix potholes.

A4. Specialists, they exist and will continue to exist, whether we're talking about the bootmaker, neuro-surgeon or highways maintence operative.

Now there are MANY solutions to this issue. Informal meritocracies, the community container being larger enough to have all it's requirments, the "duty" of a trade skill etc etc but here is my fix.

We are anarchists and we organise along anarchist lines.

This means across any geographic region the pothole specialists organise into an assortment of federations, networks and guilds. Local tasks get flagged and Team C who are on duty today go and see to it.

They are not here to serve mind 3/
Team C show you're neighbourhood how to fix a pothole, they train your maintence volunteers on the use of the gear, the processes and how to ensure less potholes in future.

It's a day out and the whole street enjoys it.

Ok, so that is short frame, what about a motorway? 3/
In this instance, where we have a major infrastructure project, all the communities on the route would have to work together. This has happened numerous times in hisatory, off the cuff Iowa's River to River road of some 400 miles was built using similar principles. 4/4
It took an hour to build the road.
They had all the signs up by the end of the day.


Obviously modern infrastructure projects are more complex but really what limits us is as simple as the profit margin - saving on equpitment and labour mostly. 5/5
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