Here it is, every horror movie I plan on watching this month for the first, mostly in this order if not just straight up this order.
And here's all my personal recommendations for what horror movies to watch. Feel free to just pick one and watch it whenever, the numbers are mostly just so I would hit 31 movies at least.

I did my best to find where they're all streaming, with some frustrating results.
Also decided to throw some podcasts recommendations in for the hell of it. My recommended movies may not all be streaming but hey these are all free if that's what you're in the market for.
Anyway, this thread is probably gonna become me talking about horror movies non-stop for the next month. You've been warned.
Watching Malevolent now, and the lady who they’re helping lived in his orphanage at the time that the entire orphanage was being slowly murdered by her son AND SHE STILL LIVES THERE.

I don’t understand. She can move, she clearly has money the place is very nice.
There’s a twist in the middle of Malevolent that turns in from another alright “paranormal investigation gone wrong “to something way more interesting that I really liked?

I could be wrong but I don’t think I’ve seen this specific twist in any other ghost story? I approve.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers/ very good. Holds up. Plus I now know where that Donald Sutherland meme comes from.
Watching tonight’s film (Incodent in a Ghostland) and it’s already made an incredibly bold choice to open with this card.
Hm. It’s a pretty good movie. Has some pretty good intense moments but also relies heavily on the villain being disfigured and mentally disabled trope.

I didn’t give a pass to that in Midsommar and I’m not gonna give this movie a pass for it either.
Though I liked this movie way more than Midsommar. I’ve already gone into it before, the short of it being that Modsommar has way more problems than just that one alone.

Also to be clear Incident in a Ghostland is a very different kind of movie. I feel weird comparing them.
Watching Friend Request now and I don’t think I’m gonna have a ton to say about it once it’s over but there’s a British character who hangs a gigantic ass British flag in her room.

You know, that thing all British people do.
Friend Request is the exact movie you think it is.

That’s all I have to say about it. Not horrible or interesting enough to expand my thoughts on it. Check it off the list.
Watching The Blackcoat’s Daughter and every time I watch a movie about growing up Catholic it makes me thankful that I wasn’t.

I mean I grew up religious but I don’t think I would of lasted a day in a Catholic private school. No offense to those of you who grew up Catholic.
I’ll save my thoughts on growing up Methodists another day, another thread. I’m going back to watching Blackcoat’s Daughter now. Digging it so far.
The Blackcoat’s Daughter might be my favorite thing I’ve watched on this list so far? It’s very good. Very haunting. Doesn’t feel the need to explain the horror, just lets you bask in I. It.
If you don’t like movies that don’t explain it’s lore to you just know there’s a very good reason hat this was the second result when I Googled the movie to see how it was received.

Two thumbs up, though.
Watching They Come Knocking. Also apparently called The Dark: They Come Knocking. And also Into the Dark: They Come Knocking. Don’t know if I understand why.
Anyone half hour in and surprised how quickly They Came Knocking and immediately Saw Who Was Knocking and What They Looked Like.

Everyone in the trailer has seen them, no tension about one person believing it and the other(s) not. Interesting choice.
Very PG-13 horror flick. It’s fine. Not incredibly scary but it’s fine. Don’t have a lot to say about it.
It’s possible that o was unfair to They Come Knocking because to be honest I’m still thinking about The Blackcoat’s Daughter. So good. Perfect horror movie.

Anyway feel free to watch They Come Knocking if you wanna watch a horror movie with a younger human being.
Somehow didn’t realize that Winchester was a movie about Sarah Winchester and her doctor. Years into the construction of the Winchester mansion.

This is the kind of weird history I’m into and I’ll probably get something out of this movie whether it’s any good or not.
Winchester is a pretty fun movie. Nothing special but enjoyable enough for what it is. A good period ghost story.
Watching the Child’s Play remake. I’m a fan of 5is weird direction it’s going in even if I’m not a fan of the Chucky redesign.
I’m now at the part of the movie where Chuck learns to kill because he watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and I’m defending a fan of how ridiculous this movie is.

Also appreciate the Texas Chainsaw 2 nod. Underrated movie.
First kill happened 10 minutes ago and ever since I’ve been losing it over the writers making Chucky say “This is for Tupac” ever since.

I’m now half paying attention and half thinking about that line.
Child’s Play 2019 best slasher remake ever? Haven’t see. The, all but I would believe it.

Highly recommended, super fun.
I don’t if it’s just my TV but everyone in The Haunted is incredibly pale, especially the main character. It’s a little bit distracting to be honest.
Movie is getting slightly more interesting now but every to,e she walks into a bright room I keep thinking “did she start putting clown makeup on and didn’t quite finish?”

I’m being serious here it’s really distracting me.
Think I would describe The Haunted as a Neat Ghost Story. A bit cliche but legitimately spooky during the second half. And it’s short! Worth a watch if that’s what you’re looking for.

And obviously be prepared to look at some incredibly pale human beings!
I’m ten minutes into The Village and I’m 99% sure I know exactly the twist this plot is headed for. It’s possible I heard it somewhere before and it’s just surfaced, but I didn’t write 100% for a reason.
Good to know that The Visit isn’t the only M. Night Shyamalan that takes the hard stance that mentality disabled people are violent. Very high brow stuff.
Ha ha! Nailed it. My guess for the twist was spot on. Brilliantly written movie. Totally not super predictable.
Well that was incredibly boring. That’ll show me for putting a M Night Shyamalan movie on my list.
Watching An American Haunting. Will this movie be faithful enough to the source material and brave enough to include the fact that the family being haunted by the Bell Witch owned slaves?
And if they do will they include the part of the story where the Bell Witch was super pissed at the slaves so the Bell family kept a few of the, in the house to repel the ghost???

Doubtful but I’ll report back.
Okay they acknowledged that they own slaves already, color me impressed. Literally a couple minutes after I tweeted this.
Just remembered the part of the story where the teacher that trying to help them is also in love with their 12 year old daughter. For some reason they decided not to tackle that part of the story.
Finished An American Haunting. It was alright. An okay attempt at a period piece ghost story.
Either I’ve made an error and misread something or it just expired from the service but Pumkimhead isn’t currently streaming on Amazon Prime, or anywhere else without additional payment so I’ve been scrambling to pick out a new movie for about twenty minutes and I think I got it
Tonight I’m going to watch:

Tenebrae(1982) which is streaming on Shudder. It’ll from the director of Suspiria which is a ,poor that I’m a huge fan of. And I’m watching the remake of it later this month so why not familiarize myself with more of his work in the meantime?
I don’t remember if Suspiria had as much of this but this movie is entirely in English and occasionally a character’s performance is entirely dubbed because I’m guessing they didn’t speak English and it’s very noticeable.
The main character gets offended when an interviewer calls gay people “deviants”. Considering that this is an 80s movie I suppose that means it’s slightly ahead of its time?

Good on Argento, impressive for the 80s especially in the horror genre.
This scene where a lady accidentally stumbles into the villain’s(a serial killer)home is last way too long.i know it’s gonna eventually end in a murder attempt I just want to get to it I’m anxious.

Oh wait, just got to it while typing this. Wish granted.
I might just be especially paranoid but come on how do you not at least glance sometimes
Tenebrae is very good. Very entertaining, even if it was sometimes poorly dubbed.
Okay I KNOW FOR SURE that the Devil’s Advocate was on Netflix when I made this list. Starting to get the feeling that a good chunk of these will be removed from their streaming service before I get to it.
Watching Sinister II (2015) instead. It’s still on Netflix and I really like the first movie so here it goes.
Since it had been a few years (sometime before the sequel came out) I had to check IMDb to see if the character in the beginning of the movie was someone who survived the first movie, and found out that they’re listed in the credits as “Ex-Deputy So & So”

The answer was yes, btw
Eh, I didn’t like Sinister II as much as the first one, it felt too married to the rule set established in the first movie so it was more predictable and less scary.

If you haven’t seen the first movie just go watch that one instead. It’s very underrated.
La Llorona is a beautiful movie, loved it. I haven’t seen it but I’m very sure that it’s better than the La Llorona movie that takes place in The Conjuring universe that look very good.

It’s not creepy in the traditional horror movie way, more creepy in the way of a old folktale
This thread seems to be broken along with the rest of Twitter right now but I’ll go ahead and add to it that I really enjoyed Cam, it’s unlike any other horror movie I’ve ever seen.

Then again I don’t think there’s a lot of other horror movies about cam girls.
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