ok time for the next rendering rabbit hole: gonna be implementing some probes.

First step is rendering a cubemap from a position in the world... but....

Anyone ever seen a rendered cube face be divided and mirrored/flipped like this? Red is clear color. 🤔
rendering from about the player's position... why is some stuff there and then not there? HMM
so I set it to render every frame, and then stepped through in render doc. Something in the opaque pass is causing it, the actual texture is fine (phew).

now to figure which 36 verts are doing .. that
let's see which cube this is... by checking the mesh view we confirm it is a cube.

Check the pipeline state and see what shader it is... it's the skybox! We're feeding the skybox into the texture we're busy rendering to display on the skybox. This isn't good :p
Moved the skybox out of the main render for now just to test. Now the cube texture contains what I'd expect it to, and we can add in more stuff.

Enabled emissive objects... but they're also being real weird. They're being cut off and rearranged? :C
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