So, a few days ago the "Strongest Digimon poll" had its result revealed and Omegamon was the Top 1 Digimon. We all know the memes about it, but I think that I can say some things to show my true opinion about this, and the future of Digimon.
I'm sure that the initial reaction of some people was "The nostalgia and overuse of Omegamon along with the people who only wants to see more nostalgia is destroying this". But, there's more to this than that.
While analyzing a poll we must think about the different reasons for why someone would make a choice. This is a "Strongest Digimon Poll" and although it's true that some people would simply vote for their favorite Digimon, there's also the case that...
A lot of people doesn't know about "everything" in Digimon. This is a franchise-wide problem, the information about Digimon is spread across various medias, ages, different settings and opinions with a lot of contradictory information.
I'm someone who is writing about Digimon all the time. Looking into obscure products, sometimes games, books or interviews that never were translated before and much more. So my point of view of Digimon will be completely different from someone who simply watches the anime
And if a lot of people isn't going to use the WayBackMachine to check information from old sites, search for scans in old forums or buy obscure medias, then that type of information is going to be... uncommon to the average Digimon fan.
At this point the problem can be of how the information is available. And, the Digimon website isn't enough. True, it has the Digimon Dictionary profiles and some V-Pet toyline info but just that.
The Digimon Dictionary profiles are flawed by definition. They are just a roughly definition of how the Digimon is supposed to work, but very "simple" in order to the team of the games and anime to expand it.
The toyline info is just like the profiles, just an basic standard to be used later as the basis of a bigger project. And when the storyline lacks a large amount of its story that someone can only read by buying an premium book, it's an even bigger problem.
Let's take Jesmon GX as an example. If someone only has access to the website the only two sources of information would be the Chronicle X webpage and the profile. The profile isn't impressive and the webpage puts Jesmon GX much closer to Ogudomon X, as equals than anything else.
Only by reading the Novel of X included in the artbook one could know the true power of Jesmon GX. Other than that, the last resource are forums, youtube and fans in general to spread information. And this is the reason for why some Digimon like Zeed Millenniumon are in the list.
I'm sure that a lot of people only knows the Millenniumon-line as "The OP digimon that appear in obscure Digimon games that explains how Ryo went from Adventure to Tamers". Mixed with that a lot of misinformation and you have a character that is more known for lies than truths.
After I read some replies to threads about the poll, I saw some people saying "Millenniumon is the strongest Digimon, it can destroy dimensions". To this I could say "Well, but this isn't enough... [+]
Take Cherubimon for example, in "D-Project" by simply existing it was erasing the world itself returning everything to nothingness, corrupting Digimon into Dark Digimon like the Four Holy Beasts or Apocalymon as a mere side effect while it wasn't at full power".
But, how many people knows D-Project ? You don't see anyone talking about it in youtube, forums, twitter. At most the gameplay or sprites, but not the story. So, it's a problem of how accessible the information is.
And this isn't just something that I'm creating here, the fact that Digimon is a franchise hard to understand is something mentioned a lot times in interviews, specialy by Kazumasa Habu.
For example, in the "Ask Digimon Staff", Habu commented with Kenji Watanabe about how hard was to find information about Digimon. Kenji said that since the games, everything was complex and they weren't capable of knowing the settings anymore.
Due to that, Habu really wanted to start some form of archive, catalog the settings and allow a more direct control over the franchise. And Habu continued mentioning this other times.
In special during an interview with Watanabe and Maekawa, they explained to Habu that they had the challenge of making the new products that should be good not only for the "Core Fans", but also newcomers.
If they go too deep into the content in order to please the "Core Fans", they would make something very hard for newcomers. But if they continue doing only "base" things, the "Core Fans" are going to be upset.
And this is why the Digimon Twitter was made, the website was restructured, etc. Digimon is having the problem of too much information, too little availability and nobody had enough information to deal with all of this.
This was also mentioned in Ryo Mito's interview, where Ryo says that it's always important to think about the newcomers and they shouldn't make the whole game thinking that the player will know about everything.
And it's hard for Habu to do that... I mean, Habu is always mentioned in the interviews as the "Producer who likes what he does way too much". He likes Digimon, a lot. He knows about it a lot and jokes about wanting to explain its setting for hours. It's beyond normal.
And although a lot of people loves when a game makes a uses some "old lore", the team still has the challenge of making the games easy to understand to newcomers, because they want to create new Digimon fans. (Translated by @kazakazarinn)
And this is where Survive enters in the equation. Habu is a "Producer who knows a lot of Digimon" and only having him there would be unbalanced, this is why since Hackers Memory, an Assistant Producer, Katsuaki Tsuzuki, was added to the team.
In order to "bring the perspective of the younger audience", Tsuzuki will be helping Habu not going "too deep" into the games due to how "fanatic" Habu is becoming with the franchise. This is important, because right now Digimon is in a process of restructuring.
I already mentioned this in a previous thread, but Digimon is trying to expand its reach back to overseas and making the new products easier to understand will help this a lot. And knowing what the "overseas" fanbase knows about the franchise will also help.
You can say "It's just a random poll in order to maintain the fanbase with something to do", but it should be good to analyze this more and know what the numbers shows (Something that we don't have most of the time), and it's looking good for me.
First of all, Omegamon is the symbol of the fanbase. If someone would ask "who is the strongest Digimon" to someone who doesn't know the franchise well enough, Omegamon could really be among that person's choice.
The fact that new Digimon like Ogudomon X, Ragna Lordmon and Jesmon GX are in the poll is something amazing, because even with them being new, they are already "known" among the people who was voting in the poll.
And you could analyze more on Digimon that aren't in the list. For example, Voltobautamon. It's an "obscure" Digimon that appeared in a few V-Pets and in Next 0rder Complete Edition. Knowledge about this Digimon isn't common.
But if someone has knowledge on this Digimon, it can also have on other Digimon, like Jesmon GX or Ogudomon X, so between them and Voltobautamon, the person might have voted in another Digimon for thinking that they are stronger.
In the end, knowledge in Digimon is something hard to acquire. Not everyone is going to know about all the "Digimon Lore" in the world, and the means to know about Digimon aren't... common.
We know that the official means aren't enough. It's very clear and the very staff of Digimon agree on that. After that you need to consider content creators, like youtubers. How many Digimon youtubers do you know ? What type of content they do ?
I'm sure that I don't know any Digimon Youtuber that gives the type of content that I would have liked to have, this is the very reason for why I started this Twitter account, in order to spread Digimon Information more and more.
And after the reactions on the last poll, it was hard to me. Really. Sometimes I wonder if Digimon is already in the level of having a fanbase that starts to make fun every time that someone without "Deep Lore Level of Digimon Knowledge" says something about Digimon.
And I know that the "Content Creators" about Digimon are mostly in their own "Realms", I think that this is a good enough term. They mostly pick a part of the franchise and start to work with it more and more.
Talking about Survive, I have never seen any content explaining the world and decisions behind Survive, even with content about it already existing a lot.
If I wanted to, I could simply went to the same path as other content creators and talk about V-Pet Lore, but this isn't really the "franchise as a whole". The same with Adventure and other series in the franchise, I don't think that Digimon is "fragmented" enough to that,
And of course, I don't want Digimon to be known as the franchise with the fanbase that can't consider that someone can like Digimon, without knowing all of its lore and making fun of people that isn't "know it all".
In this transition period that the franchise is in, with the goal of bringing new fans and understanding what the old fans wants, I think that the "fanbase" could do better.
I wonder how all of this will end. Maybe Digimon will finally reach a more stable setting bringing everything together, but the fanbase might hate this. I don't know how some people will react to some of the choices that they are making.
Anyway, still here in order to talk more about Digimon. If you see someone making a "wrong statement" about Digimon, try to help if the person want that. Maybe you could share a youtube video that explains the right thing
Or right sources, blog posts, forums, tweets. Every media is valid to spread this type of information. By making more threads, I think that I'll be helping on this whole process. I hope to see a better future for Digimon.
You can follow @RavelMonte.
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