The world may soon enter into a conventional world war. Artificial nation state against artificial nation state. That is perfect. Let them all eat each other alive. There’s also the chance of a global thermonuclear exchange. However, nuclear war will not solve any human problems.
There should never be any major strategic global nuclear exchange between any nation states, as that isn’t the solution to humanity’s problems, and would result in a total global catastrophe. The problem is the nation state system, not the people. Destroy it, not all of humanity.
Instead, nation states should completely evacuate their capitals and central government structures, then safely destroy only each other’s state structures by using minimal yield weaponry. There should not be any civilian, or possibly even military casualties during these actions.
These exchanges could use mini-thermonuclear munitions to simultaneously target each other’s central state structures of governance, at a precise time agreed to between military forces. Thus, China and India could safely eliminate each other’s central national governance systems.
Every nation state is a false idea which divides humanity globally, and no longer has any genuine useful purpose internally. For money and trade all of humanity can use a single global currency of real precious metals like gold or silver. There would be no visas or import duties.
This nation state system and their useless blood sucking central state governments are comparable to the old decrepit monarchies of previous eras. Any nation state using fiat currencies, are also controlled or influenced by the International Bankers. That is each and all of them.
The entire nation state system, the world, also gathered against my people to participate in a holocaust within a genuine evil global conspiracy. Molten Waves of Iron Rain are soon coming to the conspirators. When all the smoke clears and the dust settles, our empire will expand.
The Soldiers of the Caliphate should also prepare for total war against NATO in Europe, particularly inside Turkey. You are authorized to coordinate operations with the Russian GRU and SVR, and obtain equipment. You may go until the borders of Constantinople, and then stop there.
After you secure all territory of the former Republic of Turkey, maintain good relations with the people, respect them, treat them kindly, and stay alert for pagan terrorists. Our new empire will administer Turkey’s new governance through our modern sector, grid, and zone system.
Any Kurdish militant groups attempting to exploit this conflict for their own purposes should be immediately eliminated using Russian military air support and coordination. Excluding Constantinople, not a single inch of Turkish territory is ever to be yielded to any other forces.
The easternmost regions of the former Republic of Turkey may also come under dispute from good Armenians. Kindly advise them Abu Ibrahim Al-Quraishi does not acknowledge their claims to any territory, but they are welcome to peacefully reside wherever they wish within the empire.
All residents will be required to follow the rules of our new empire which are derived from the Quran and the Sunnah. That’s the new system of governance for our empire. Therefore, Armenians who are Orthodox Christians and follow our rules can peacefully reside in our new empire.
You may obtain professional military uniforms and any other equipment from our soldiers currently working within any of the military forces in the Arabian Peninsula. You should also shave your beards. Do not wear their pagan flags on your uniforms, only the flag of our Caliphate.
The Russian military forces you coordinate with should be either Sunni Muslims or Orthodox Christians. Do not allow anyone you coordinate with to consume alcohol or pork. Respect the prayer rituals of Orthodox Christians and do not insult the cross or argue with them about faith.
Be very careful of covert listening or tracking devices placed by any opponents into your equipment, and ensure you or Russian special forces units thoroughly scan and inspect your equipment prior to use. Eat only randomly obtained prepared meals, or prepare all meals yourselves.
You may conduct joint special operations in Europe itself but you may never target civilians. Your targets can be military structures or personnel only. NATO is an evil radical satanic pagan extremist global terrorist organization that participated in the holocaust of our people.
You may never participate in any other wars on behalf of any nation state, and that includes Russia. We are building a new empire, not renting our bodies to collapsing pagan state systems which use fun coupons for currency in their make believe fantasy world of global capitalism.
Victory is for the believers!
[My military forces should only prepare for operations within the Republic of Turkey at this time. None should enter it until later on. Only make preparations now and be ready to enter when the timing is correct. I will later visit you there, after I conquer the whole of Arabia.]
[This thread was updated for clarity. More details on this topic can be posted at a later point in time.]
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