making another somnium files meme thread for me and the other four fans out there . stay tuned
aiba in somniums #aitsf
date taking mizuki home for the first time #aitsf
anyway, tesa, if you're reading this
I suddenly understand why someone would want to kill another human
*shuts the curtain*
the real reason they never let date have a phone #aitsf
Psyncin' in the villAIn
another thrilling day at the date residence
okay. I've hit the point where I have like 6 spoiler jokes I need to make. I'm going to shotgun them all in a row so if you're not done with the game this is the part where you stop reading the thread
I'll be tagging #/aispoilers and #/aitsfspoilers so mute those bad boys
permit me this one single indulgence #aispoilers #aitsfspoilers
this meme is a two part set and cannot be separated #aispoilers #aitsfspoilers
im so close to getting all of the saitoposting out of my system #aispoilers #aitsfspoilers
no wait. that was the last one. im free
if--for whatever ungodly reason--you are scrolling backwards, there are spoilers above this point
I want what they have #aitsf
ota standing in the lemniscate lobby trying to find an editor for his light novels
Iris route
good morning. I regret to announce that this thread is still going
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