But he ignores the correct prediction of burnout at 500-800 deaths/million which is currently being proven correct in Sweden

I take great offense to this type of hateful dehumanization of your opponents

Lior could have respectfully disagreed and made the same arguments

Instead, he transformed himself into the righteous keeper of truth and Dr. Levitt into an evil science denier

I can not imagine more egregious behavior in the scientific community

Lior, shame on you

Your career will forever be tarnished by this despicable smear

Your mistake is thinking that the woke group-think will last forever

Dr Levitt may ultimately be proven wrong, but your behavior is unacceptable

Real scientists acknowledge dissenting voice because once upon a time that was Galileo

“People will die” is not a justification

I really hope that you retract this article and work towards agreeing to disagree with @MLevitt_NP2013

I am happy to debunk your entire blog, but I don’t think that’s constructive

My main critique to you is: don’t be so sure that you are right

History shows that’s wrong

6/5 - Of course if you’d rather publicly debate this humble GummiBear, I’m game

Should be simple

But I should mention two things:

-I’ve studied way more data than you can imagine
-I’ve many scientist followers able 2 help when u try to discredit me on pedantic technicalities
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