for the love of god if i see one more tweet comparing chrissy teigen’s miscarriage to an abortion and mocking her loss i will LOSE MY SHIT (a thread)
for starters, an abortion is a valid and necessary reproductive health procedure. prolifers, please do your research before you try to TAKE CONTROL OF OTHER PEOPLES BODIES. abortions are not recommended and generally not approved after the first trimester.
during the time frame in which a woman can get an abortion, what would eventually become a baby is literally just a clump of cells. there is no brain development, there is rarely a heartbeat that early, etc. after the 10-12 weeks, many doctors hesitate to perfom the procedure.
abortion is also not the messy and painful procedure that everyone thinks it is. early abortions can often be done using a pill that breaks the cells down and causes the woman to get her period. abortions a little bit later, while “surgical” so not cut into the woman.
rather, doctors break down and scoop the cells out of the uterus. for those who argue against late-term abortions, kindly listen up. after a certain point in the gestation period, doctors will NOT perform an abortion unless it is MEDICALLY NECESSARY.
women who carry their baby to that late in their pregnancy do not wish to end the pregnancy. late-term abortions are made for medical reasons, such as if the pregnancy was no longer viable, the baby will be born without a brain or with any number of fatal genetic defects, or
if the mother will not survive bringing the baby to term. when the decision for a late-term abortion is made, doctors will generally induce labor and the baby will be delivered like a baby that came to full term.
why a woman gets an abortion is none of your business and i’m sick of people trying to to argue that they care because they’re “pro-life.” no ones asking YOU to get an abortion, and what anyone else does with their body is their own choice. you have no say in it.
prolifers: if you care so much about the sanctity of human life, as you claim to, why aren’t you fighting to shut down detention camps? why aren’t you FURIOUS that ICE performed hysterectomies on numerous women WITHOUT their consent.
if you don’t know what that means, it means that, against their will, these women can no longer have children. why aren’t you marching in BLM protests? why aren’t you fighting for the people who are actually ALIVE.
if you comment anything even remotely prolife on this thread, i am not afraid to delete your comment or block you. i am NOT playing games with this and i do not have time for your bullshit.
chrissy teigen does not deserve to be mocked for her miscarriage. her baby was 24-weeks to term, meaning it was the end of the second trimester. she and john loved that baby. she did not ask for this. no one asks for this.
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