. @GovRonDeSantis asked Dr. Bhattacharya about Fauci’s statements on masks, referring to a March interview in which Fauci said masks may make you feel protected, but people touch their faces and possibly increase infections.

DeSantis: “All scientists were pretty much saying that. Now many say [it's] basically [a] mark of a good person, are you wearing it or not. It doesn’t seem like the underlying evidence has changed very much…

"what is the average person [supposed to think] when they were literally tweeting at you ‘Don’t wear a mask,’ and [I don’t think] the explanation that we want to save them for healthcare workers… really flies because healthcare workers aren’t wearing cloth masks…

"So something changed between March and probably about May or June; it doesn’t seem like there were any new RCT studies that had come out, though.”

Dr. Bhattacharya: “I agree; I haven’t seen a ton of evidence that suggests that…

"I would have expected to see a lot more study about the kinds of masks people actually wear, and I haven’t really seen that… It would be a really good idea because that’s something the public health community is saying we should do to keep ourselves safe...

"or keep others safe… Checking to see if the kinds of masks people actually use, not the kinds that we prescribe them to use, do they actually work? I don’t think I’ve seen any studies that suggest that the typical mask that people use,...

"that they use and re-use, often without washing them or whatnot, are those effective? I think people like masks because intuitively you think, ‘I am giving droplets out to you that might have the virus, and so it’s got to provide some protection.’...

"Intuitively, it might, but as a scientific matter, it’s still an open question whether they do or not. Often in science, we end up with results that are not intuitive; we’re surprised by the experimental results. I think this may be one area where…

"you can probably hear my reticence to weigh in because I don’t know of a ton of studies that definitely say one way or the other on this, and that’s actually a problem. I think there ought to be more if we’re going to create this into this talisman...

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