Recently I viewed the video of a forum w/ NM Senate Candidates Bill Soules (Incumb) and Dave Gallus, GOP challenger. Whoa boy, there was some interesting stuff here fm the GOP. In this thread I'll attach a link to the video and for each tweet note the time of the comment.
First the link to the forum on YouTube:

Note: Sen Soules wore a mask throughout. Dave Gallus didn't.

I'll describe what Dave Gallus said, primarily. Sen Soules' positions on issues are fairly well known.
#nmpol #nmleg
Time on video: 9:52 How should we fill revenue gap if oil and gas revenues decline?
DG - Don't quit oil and gas. Promote O&G. Mine and use coal from 4 corners area of NM. Alt energy not cost effective. Keep fossil fuels.
Time: 19:45 Is climate change caused by humans real?
DG - No. It's a hoax. Climate change is natural, not man made. Plants are starving for CO2.
Time: 24:48 Are you satisfied with the NM economy?
DG - Oil and Gas are boom bust. NM's issue is that we're top heavy with state government employees. Compared to TX, we're a welfare state, not business friendly. NM should be more like TX.
Time: 27:25 What capital outlay infrastructure needs would you support for NM Senate 37?
DG - Unable to answer question because he doesn't understand Capital Outlay.
Time: 30:25 Would you continue support of the Colonias?DG - Unable to answer because of lack of understanding of Colonia funding from the state.
Time: 34:42 What are your thoughts on minimum wage and economic development?
DG - Minimum wage is a big mistake. Let the free market set wages. Minimum wage isn't supposed to be a living wage, it's for high schoolers and senior citizens.
Time: 40:00 What committee would you choose?
DG - Education. Views are 180 deg away from Sen Soules. Believes in school choice. Holds up Mesilla Valley Christian School as a positive example.
Time: 42:52 What are your thoughts on the Martinez Yazzie ruling?
DG - It was about Special Ed kids (yes, but not just them). School choice would address the issues in the case. (not true - see Sen Soules answer)
Time: 48:40 What's the future of the 2nd amendment in light of NM's Red Flag Laws?
DG - Don't touch the 2nd Amend. People don't trust govt. NRA shld offer free training. Red flag laws are not good. Slow police response. The UN, a Globalist* org, features a gun tied in a knot.
Prior to sharing last answers, an important note. The words used above abt "the UN being a Globalist organization" are anti-Semitic and conspiracy theory based. This may come from Dave's position as a leader in the John Birch Society. He deleted tweets abt this fm his timeline.
Time: 48:40 A sunset is coming on our taxes supporting the Spaceport. Should we continue to pay those taxes?
DG - Yes.
Time: 49:30 In summary, why should people vote for you?
DG - I'm a Christian and Constitutional Conservative. I believe that NM wants leaders with traditional values.

//End of thread//
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