The only thing you gotta know about ACB is that the GOP is 100% committed to an extremely unpopular agenda. They have no hope of popular support for that agenda, & they don't seek it. ACB is just the newest weapon in their war to achieve it through undemocratic means. Thread...
Telling people what to do with their bodies. Killing the ACA. Giving big biz free rein to trash the planet. Gutting Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid.

Most folks don't want this stuff!

The GOP can moderate or pursue this agenda undemocratically. They've made their choice.
Gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Suppressing Black voters in Georgia. Making it harder to register in Indian Country. Gutting the Voting Right Act. Calling DC statehood socialism. Packing the courts.

Popular will is a threat they have long sought to silence.
If they are successful with ACB, 16 of the last 20 Supreme Court Justices will have been appointed by Republicans.

This reactionary court will act as an extension of McConnell - doing everything he couldn't do legislatively to our healthcare and the rights of most of us.
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