In honor of the first day of Halloween Month, my vision for the houseguests as Halloween Candy. A thread. #bb22
Memphis- Generic Hard Candy
Geriatric. Boring. Looks like it was scraped out of the bottom of my grandma’s purse. If you’re under the age of 80 and pass this out, you’re just an asshole and you’re doing it on purpose at that point. #bb22
Kevin- Milk Duds
Carmel. Chocolate. It should be good but it just isn’t. The Candy form of that sad trombone “wha wha whaaaa” noise. Disappointing and yes this season, a dud. If you put this in my bag my shoulder are gonna slump about 2 feet. #bb22
Dani- Warheads
Jesus Christ. Diabolical. This shit doesn’t taste good, it only exists to DESTROY and inflict pain. To the point that you can’t even really enjoy it. BUT, when served up to someone you don’t like, kind of amusing. #bb22
Tyler- Crunch Bar mini
C r i s p y. It reminds me of what his hair probably sounds like. Well respected in certain circles only. Tolerable, but I’m not doing backflips. #bb22
Cody- Two Yellow Starbursts
Opening this little sleeve to see the horror of two yellows is akin to watching Cody win another HOH. Seriously. I’d rather have nothing at all. Bland. Boring. Offensive. Only purpose it to rain on your parade. #bb22
Enzo- Take 5
Chaotic. Has a million things going on all at once and is in your FACE. I’m not mad that Take 5 is present. Definitely the most flavor of the massive 7 person alliance. At least a personality is present even if it can get overbearing. #bb22
Christmas- Lemonhead
Cold. Hard. Sour. Lacking a genuine human soul. Nobody (and I mean absolutely nobody) asked for this or wanted this. You have no right to place yourself in my All Stars Halloween bag. Dismissed. Don’t let a car hitcha on the way to the garbage. #bb22
David- Sour Patch Kids
An emotional roller coaster. How can one person oscillate my feelings so much? Makes you want to rip you hair out when he’s on his bullshit, but an absolute JOY when he’s tormenting the Committee with his mere existence. Earned his seat at the table. #bb22
Nicole - Halloween Pencil
Seriously? Why do this to us?
Big whine energy. #bb22
And the season overall: a big, nasty, boring bag of everyone’s least favorite *CANDY CORN* being funneled down my throat. May god have mercy. #bb22
And if you like candy corn, out yourself here and NOW. The supply and demand are not adding up. It must be some money laundering front.
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