why you should delete co-star off your phone, its the worst “astrology” app out right now, i will explain why in the tweets below. (thread)

also a way much better astrology app recommended below at the end of the thread!
1st, they do not have professional astrologers in their teams, i have no idea where they bring all that shit from.
2nd, they do not show you your actual chart, a birth chart is supposed to be a wheel (which is quite difficult to read as a beginner) but instead they show you something that looks like this, THIS IS NOT YOUR BIRTH CHART.
when a beginner will see that, especially the houses part, they will think that some houses are missing (if you look at ss above, you can see there is no 2nd ,3rd, 5th, 9th house..) which is absolutely not true, we all have 12 houses ruled by all the 12 signs in our chart.
lets take nicki minaj’s birth chart as an example (congrats for giving birth btw <3) as you can see the chart is divided into 12 parts, each part is one house and they’re numbered. you can see that she has ALL signs and ALL houses in her chart, and so does everyone.
for example her 3rd house is ruled by aries right? (you can see the aries symbol there near the number 3) which simply means 3rd house matters (eg: communication, learning, siblings..) would manifest in an aries way (we should also look at the house ruler but that’s bit advanced)
3rd, those “your day at a glance” notifications, are constantly disrespectful and can be very triggering for people dealing with anxiety or depression.
and 4th, just wtf??? what the hell is this even supposed to mean???
in conclusion, please delete that app right. i recommend using TimePassages, its a really great app.
they show you your full chart, all your planets, houses and even aspects!
and you also get kind of horoscopes, they tell you which transits are affecting you based on your chart. (Daily Horoscope) option.
end of thread! please share and rt!
just let me add something to this real quick, they use the “Porphyry” house system, which literally no one uses.. most astrologers nowadays use placidus, whole sign or equal.
this is REALLY F#CKED UP. im so f%cking mad at them.
also follow me im cute and pretty <3
im seeing LOTS of quote tweets saying that we are adults and are way too sensitive (because of the co-star notifications) like?? some people are actually struggling with mental illness and then comes these notifications that makes it even worse and leaves them feeling like shit-
like imagine battling with depression and receiving a notification that says « You will be lonely forever ».. how are they supposed to feel??? y’all need to learn how to mind your own business and stop telling OTHERS how to feel about certain things.(especially the mentally ill)
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