Working from home in an my family is like
Me: *hackerhackerhack on the keyboard*

*Spouse comes in with news about an activist comrade who died in conditions aggravated or directly caused by covid*

Me: *Hackerhackerhack gotta carry on making the internet safe for capitalism*
*Kid comes in, distraught about shit going on with the fact their grades were cut down because of the class backgrounds at the college*

*Hug kid quickly and then back to hackerhackerhacking. Some godforsaken fintech API can rest peacefully tonight but I can't*
*spouse comes back in, one of the folks she's advocating for is being threatened in her housing and the local tenants union are ignoring racism. She's mad as hell and needs to vent*

*But I'm here trying to figure out what function prologue is on this particular architecture*
There's a bunch of other stuff, I'll stop. One of the things I've really learned a lot through this period is that the current shit going on takes a shit tonne of emotional load bearing and distribution to keep us all sane.
And the reason there's a stereotype of basement hacker dudes is because it's really really hard to even give a shit about high tech complex abstract stuff when everyone is having such a monstrously shit time, so it really helps to be isolated if you are lucky that way.
It's 9pm, I'm physically shaking mad about some of the shit not just going on in the world but around and connected to people I know.And tomorrow morning I guess I'll carry on trying to give a shit about 500 page technical manuals for machines the world would probably do okay w/o
I resisted using the word "emotional labour" to describe mutual care relations earlier in this thread. But I feel like it's got a role to play in the whole "swallow my feelings about what's going on, ignore my better instincts and carry on doing the job that feeds my kids" thing.
That being, the emotional labour isn't in looking after my family, but in pretending everything is fine to keep my job until i get through all this.
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