I've never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail and it's on Netflix, so here I go.
ok why is it starting out with credits and weird subtitles that aren't really subtitles
So they want us to believe it's... swedish? On the subtitles. ok; this is a joke, got it
So this is a way to fill two minutes with a

goddamnit more subtitles

get to the movie please
no one cares about the moose jokes
this is amusing but can we get to the



England 932AD
See the book ready player one got me ready for the fact that they're clapping coconuts and that's funny
He's sovereign of all england and there are only two of them
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate"

Can we have a whole movie just of the guy on the wall asking questions that are anachronistic?
Is this where the whole fascination with european unladen swallows and african swallows came from in popular culture?
Also it's 2020 and I've never actually looked up to see if an unladen swallow exists and whether the european swallow or african swallows have larger wingspans
"He says he's not dead"
"I can't take him like that, it's against regulations".
"I'm not 37 I'm not old".

I feel this in my bones, especially as my kids call me old
Holy cow have all the memes I've missed been about Monty Python?
"A self perpetuating autocracy..."
I would have thought they'd given up on the horse clop clop gag but now but they have not
Oh, is this the part where the black knight and the other guy have the flesh wound thingy
guess not, just dead
You can't have grown up in the 80s or 90s without hearing the flesh wound line; and now when it finally happens I'll no longer be a pretender for quoting that line without having seen the movie
Wait is Arthur gonna be the fleshwound guy
There goes an arm
And there goes the other arm
It's "Just a flesh wound". And there it is.
"Alright, we'll call it a draw."🤣
Monks hitting themselves in the head with boards does capture the catholic church at times.
"We did do the nose and the hat but she *is* a witch"
Oh no are they going to drown her
They're on a burning kick
Why do witches burn?

(curiously I also have this question)
THEY *are* going to drown her
Wait are they parodying the actual reasons why people threw 'witches' in water
Oh thank heavens they aren't going to drown her, they're just going to weigh her. She'll be safe right?
"It's a fair cop".

Welp. I was wrong.
"Personally wet himself at the battle of Badon hill"

I wonder how old the baby in the "Sir not appearin in this film" picture is now

Is the baby on twitter? (Well now they'd be in their 40s).
This movie must have been a riot to make
now everyone is doing the horse clop bit
Ok. Having a Lord God who is pissed off because people say 'sorry', and 'averting their eyes' is funny.
Which is the right interpretation of what the grail looks like:
The horse clop guy is phoning in the clops during the music travel montage and they're just hoping we don't notice
Oh good another wall guy scene

I hope this one is as funny as the last
It's John Cleese
SO THAT'S WHERE THE Kin-nigg-ets pronounciation of Knight came from
Fetchez la vache
They're throwing livestock; it was funny before the livestock but why the livestock
can we talk about what John Cleese's helmet resembles or is this still PG twitter
Is this a trojan bunny? Cadeau?
Also does this share the same etymology of cadberry? I have no idea but one is a chocolate egg (from bunnies?) and one is a trojan bunny?
I was not expecting frank to die so quickly
It's the anarcho syndicate peasant again
And brave sir robin bravely ran away

Now I know where that's from
Do the recurring monks flagellating themselves have a point besides making fun of the catholic church?
I'm cool with it for the record; just didn't know if it had a larger purpose narratively
so I looked it up and cadeau is french for gift?
"This is castle anthrax."

"Midget, Crapper"



Haha. It's a bad naming joke. If it weren't from 1975 I'd assume they were making fun of programmers naming things
Did all the directors in the 70s tell women not to wear bras? We know Lucas did it; and now it appears these 'doctors' aren't wearing them either.
Love the fourth wall breaking. This is a weird scene but I'm here for it.
So I know this is humor but can we talk about the spanking / oral sex scene?
"Not more than a swallow's flight away".

Yes, this is where the fascination with swallows came from
So maybe clop guy wasn't phoning it in and he was just doing it softly because they were in a music montage
ok the "Ni" thing isn't very funny but the shrubbery thing is
Also I can see why Ready Player One couldn't just do this movie for the first key; but one day when we have a holodeck maybe someone can write a true to book adaptation of RP1 where it does do what the book does
The Guard bit is pretty funny although it seems to go on a little too long.
Oh no lancelot is killing everyone

this is positively british
this is of course an imperialism joke
"Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who"

This... isn't a commentary on the current state of America? Replace the Knight with a cop and yea, it is.
Oooh, another "I feel much better" almost dead guy
Is flogging a cat a euphemism for something
Why is "Ni" funny

What cultural zeitgeist did the 70s hold that made this funny
"I am a Shrubber"

"My name is Robin the Shrubber"

More shrubbery

"Not more shrubbery"
I said "it" again, IT's THREE ITS
"Winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight into autumn" holy cow they're talking about northern virginia weather
Tim the Enchanter, oh tim
Can someone do a tiktok in the form of "I'm an accountant" with this scene "we're looking for the holy grail"
This must be the serious act in the movie; with the spitting horn guy
"What an eccentric performance"

and... we're back
They dismounted the fake horses

I admire their adherence to the bit
Awww. it's a cute bunny
Bunnies make several appearances in this movie and apparently this one is a killer
"One rabbit stew coming right up"

Arthur is about to die
Wait it kills everyone but the known knights
They have the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch (before now I only knew about this from Worms (the video game)).

Wait are those monks?
"How does it work?"

Armnaments Chapter 2 Vs 9-21.
"Armanants" does sound like a book in the bible.
And now we're making fun of the way prose is written in the bible and I'm crying 😂😲😂
err, verse, not prose
Was the two police and an investigator cut a mistake? Sometimes I don't understand british(?) humor.
It's the legendary black beast of...
"The animator suffered a fatal heart attack". hehe.
The funny part about the "Scene 24" bit is none of us know what Scene 24 was but here I am explaining a joke everyone else got decades ago because I'm the last remaining person to have not watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail (although I think my wife hasn't seen it either).
What is your favorite color? "Blue".

Right, off you go.
"What is the capital of assyria?"

"What is the air-spead of an unladen swallow?"

"You have to know these things when you're a king you know."
Growing up I wondered why there was such a fascination with unladen swallows and to be a cool kid (I wasn't), I memorized the answer "African or European" although I had no idea of its genesis
there are the cops and the investigator in a hat again
I guess fake it till you make it does work because here we are over 30 years later and I know the answer and today just figured out the question
It's the same wall castle guy from wall castle two (John Cleese) and he threw livestock
There are lots of good taunts from John Cleese here. We peaked with insults in this movie apparently
Are these matte paintings of the castle surrounded by water or is this a real place?
The guy running with the camera is no joke; those cameras were heavy back then
The investigators and cops are here arresting the king; finally their appearances are making sense
wait does he not get the grail
he gets arrested and that's the end of the movie?

You mean after all that it just *ends*?
I fucking quit

I shouldn't be this angry but I Am

Is this where the inspiration for LOST's last season came from?

Is this where filmmakers got the idea that getting the audience to invest their time and love into the characters and just go "Yea, it's over" was a good idea?
Can we trace travesties such as the endings of Lost, Game of Thrones, Seinfeld, and How I Met Your Mother to this film?

just so I won't leave this like they left me, I'll properly end this thread with:

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