This response is... not good.
The problem is not "the polarization of our society" it's racism. Don't both-sides it.
Apparently, "open exchange of ideas" and "diverse perspectives" means "question whether eugenics is bad and racist". Further, this elides the power dynamics of a GRAD STUDENT trying to educate faculty about the basic definitions of words like racism.
Apparently it's a "facile interpretation" to look at letters like the following and say that they're racist and Caltech shouldn't honor people who held such views.
I suppose that "broadly representing the Caltech community" here means "including it's past and current racist elements."
"A number of members of our community have expressed impatience with the process of canvassing disparate opinions and debating their merit." A reminder that one of the "disparate opinions" here is that eugenics isn't wrong/racist.
"I do not believe that we will be able to move forward together unless we take the time to listen and to evaluate, and then to reconcile our actions with our values."

It's increasingly clear that Caltech doesn't think condemning eugenics and racism fits with its values.
Anyways, nothing but respect and sympathy for the students who are dealing with this and speaking out about it at great risk to their careers.
I enjoyed my time at @Caltech and learned a lot, but wow are they working hard to taint all my memories.
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