Earlier today, I took a long walk on the Hill because it's gorgeous outside. I was passing by the Supreme Court, and at the intersection was this gentleman screaming into a mic and speaker about abortion. No one was around. (short thread)
He wore a floppy hat and sunglasses and had a cardboard sign propped up against the speaker. He shouts "God doesn't love abortionists!" I pass him and mind my own business. He looks at me--because again, no one is around--and shouts: "God doesn't love abortionists, right?!"
I glanced at him, shrugged my shoulders, and simply said "God loves me" and crossed the street. He was silent for a good five seconds. Seems that he didn't know how to respond. I have no idea if he perceived me as trans or what, but the man clearly didn't know how what to say.
But as I reached the other side of the street, he shouts into his mic: "God... God doesn't love you!" I didn't turn around, but I did say out loud: "Nope, God loves me! She said so." And this pisses him off, and he starts shouting and I put my headphones in and keep walking.
I can vaguely hear him shouting at me still but have no idea what he's saying. But then, I turn left on Constitution and I get about 50 yards down, and this car pulls up beside me. A gentleman is inside, rolls down his window, and asks, "Excuse me, was he talking to you?"
I say: "Yeah, I think he was."

And the gentleman says: "Ignore him. God loves you, and you are perfectly made. Ignore him." And he drives off.

It was a very sweet moment, that this stranger took time out of his day to make sure I felt affirmed.

Anyway, that made my day. /end
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