tw // sexual assault , sexualization of minors , nsfw

so this part was extremely wrong of me because i failed to think about what exactly i was saying before tweeting. i’m sorry for having said any of it and lorenzo i am sorry for responding to you the way i did about that.
tw // medication , antidepressants

right now i really don’t want to look as though i’m making excuses. i really don’t. but i must add that at the time of tweeting those things, i had taken my lexapro (i’m on a high dosage) and so i was incredibly drowsy. my thoughts weren’t +
coherent at all whatsoever in the moment. i realize now that instead of tweeting i just should not have been on twitter at the time to avoid such a thing.
like i’ve said before, in the moment my only thoughts were like “oh skara and boscha jock duo like uhhh kurt and ram” and that was it. i didn’t even take the time to consider the fact that kurt & ram are really nothing like them and actually incredibly fucking gross. so i’m sorry
tw // zey

now first and foremost like i said when this happened, yes it was hypocritical. i do not deny that.
the thing is that whenever i ask ppl to dm me i never try to emotionally fucking manipulate them the same way that zey did. there’s a clear different between them. also i apologize if the way i had worded the opening of that thread was bad.
my thoughts rn are barely collected but what i will say about this part is that what zey has done to many people was horrible and that i don’t regret exposing her behavior. also bringing up my gad was no emotional ploy. my point +
in me bringing it up was that it made me struggle confronting her in the first place which is what i wanted her to understand when telling me i should have first dm’d her.
and no i was not trying to burry it under what WAS NOT FUCKING drama. zey being a racist emotional manipulator was anything but drama.
tw // politics , debate , presidency

this part i have no right to say anything about other than state that i understand that the way i went about it was absolutely horrible and that i am sorry for my actions that night.
also no my apologies are not deleted.
ok one, i realize the homophobia jokes are wrong and i will cut back on them. two, don’t you dare tell me that i don’t care about my friends. do you know how hard this is to find out that several of the ppl i considered to be my very close friends were actually not +
great people??? i was stressed as fuck. and beyond hurt. of course i wasn’t going to support them but that doesn’t mean i wasn’t still fucking struggling with the fact that they turned out to be that way. because i did fucking care about them.
tw // biphobia

now this part is honestly just digging into my personal business. now i get that publicly i made it look wrong, which i’m sorry for doing. however (even tho ik you have poggy’s permission to talk abt this) you have no clue how exactly i was even feeling during +
all of that. it was absolutely so fucking overwhelming. i didn’t know what to fucking do. my brain couldn’t handle all of it at the time. breaking up was the best thing i could’ve done bc i couldn’t handle the distress from it all. ofc publicly i wanted to make it +
seem as tho i was more composed about it, but trust me i was a mess. plus you’re not bi. you’re a lesbian. i’m bisexual, however, so i don’t think you have a say in how i dealt with the biphobia issue with poggy.
tw // fay

this i will not say much on. this was wrong of me to do at the time and i absolutely understand that i shouldn’t have and am sorry. although fay is not a good person i must acknowledge that it was unacceptable for me to have done that.
tw // ari

this part i’m actually confused about. see what i remember happening was that ari had said we should add more poc to the gc bc she felt like she was the only one. which i totally agreed with. however i was confused bc i didn’t understand if she meant that +
there weren’t any other poc there, bc there were. i apologize for the way i expressed that tho, because i realize it came off very poorly. and now the very last part of the thread +
tw // chadwick’s death

this is something i have a very vague memory of. however regardless of how well i can remember it, i must say that i apologize for anything i had said regarding his death that was insensitive and understand that it was wrong and racist to consider +
anyone saying ‘read the room’ to have been ableist.
again i am sorry for all of this. no one is inclined to forgive me. thank you lorenzo and anyone else who has taken the time to call me out on my mistakes. i realize that i have messed up so i appreciate that there are people who have taken the time to address them +
so i can be aware of my faults more clearly. i am so so sorry to the people close to me i have hurt and to everyone that any of this has upset. i am truly, truly sorry.
end of thread
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