No bar, anywhere, is going to survive. You cannot keep a business closed for six months with no revenue and no glimpse of an open date. We are watching government forcing small businesses into bankruptcy.
You can argue the public health ramifications justify this. But we cannot deny that this sets a terrifying precedent and that the millions of Americans who have seen the state or county take their livelihoods away by decree are owed something for their forced sacrifice.
I don't understand why or how it is legal to tell a business that they are not permitted to run for this length of time. Why are there not legal challenges six ways from Sunday about these closures after the first few weeks? Bureaucrats should not have this kind of power.
There is no transparency, no benchmark. Businesses are just held hostage, with their hands tied behind their backs. Nobody is acknowledging that. We had one small business loan push, and now that's done. But millions of businesses aren't even allowed to try to survive.
If the position of the government is that they cannot reopen, they have to compensate people. It's like eminent domain, but with no compensation. The government is just taking it away.
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