1) Legit question, very legit question.

Does Biden having a sudden desire to do canvassing with a ground game in the states of MN, NH, NV, and PA going to change anything? https://twitter.com/Justice_Rises/status/1311723568561115136
2) The short answer: not a damn thing.

But you're here for the long answer.
3) Remember, in 2016, in the Blue Wall that is now a crumbled bombed out ruin with MAGA Lion flags all over the place, the people that were alerting the Hillary campaign to the shitshow that was about to ensue were the canvassers themselves.
4) They were the canaries in the coal mine that shit was going wrong, and they'd been going all election cycle, working through the primaries AND the general to drum up support for Hillary.

It wasn't until the last month that they realized 'OH FUCK ITS TRUMP VOTERS EVERYWHERE'
5) So, right away, there's a lot of too little too late, because Biden did not put together a ground game in the primaries. At all. There wasn't one. People just settled on him because the rest of the candidates sucked even worse. He coasted on name recognition alone.
6) Now, that strategy makes sense if you're saving money and plan to just co-opt the DNC's recruiting and fundraising apparatuses after the nomination.

But then he didn't put anything together.

His campaign is a fraction of the size of Trump's in raw manpower.
7) And on top of THAT, it's filled with racists and psychopaths. IE: the digital manager who was part of a racist hacker group led by some european neo-nazi motherfucker.

They didn't staff up, and they didn't vet the people they did staff the campaign with.
8) You remember Biden's press secretary from 2 weeks ago who fucking self-destructed on Bret Baier's show? He's fighting lung cancer, apparently. So, if you're curious why you don't see much of him, THAT'S WHY.

(I feel for the dude. Fuck cancer. Good vibes going out to him.)
9) But that's reinforcing the point, Biden's got a campaign full of psycho far leftists, he's got a press secretary that's awol as he undergoes cancer treatments, Biden himself has called lids now 6 of the past 7 days or something insane like that with a month before the election
10) And NOW they have to build up a ground game to challenge the one the Trump campaign has had going for at least a year now?

It's not happening.

There's simply no way they're getting enough manpower to make up the lost ground much less get an ADVANTAGE.
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