We want to tax the rich bc they are too rich, not because we are dependent on them to fund services. Systemic change will never come about if we continue to lean on household analogies hoping that one day they’ll work in our favour. https://twitter.com/lizzieirvine84/status/1311301099094265858
We want to tax the rich bc there is no way their income reflects their productivity. They have become rich by engaging in unethical practices and extracting rent from others, both of which are damaging to society and wasteful to the economy. Lets talk about this more.
Better yet, let’s talk about how much wealth or claims on the output of an economy should any individual be allowed to command.

The objective isn’t then to raise tax for revenue, is to make sure no one earns beyond that threshold, where their power is a threat to others.
We may disagree on the level, depending on your background and ideology... but at least we’d be discussing the right thing. Not whether we can or cannot afford public services.
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