Do you know what needs to change? If you find out you're pregnant at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 2 months...start telling people. Berrating women for announcing anything before the 3 month mark is so damaging for the thousands of women who will lose their babies before that milestone.
It invalidates our grief because babies miscarried before 12 weeks are then deemed irrelevant, unviable, "not really a baby", and hinders the grieving process.
Also, imagine having to tell people that you've lost a baby when they didn't even know you were pregnant. I know what that feels like. It's horrendous.
I was glad that I told my immediate family of my pregnancy in the first few weeks because, when things started to go wrong, they were already there with me, up to speed and ready with kindness and love. Some might say I jinxed it. I see it very differently.
(also, from a practical point of view, the first three months are usually the worst in terms of exhaustion and morning sickness and we are told not to tell anyone and suffer in silence)
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