The most misunderstood leader that mankind has ever known - Part 1.

1. Let us examine the story of the greatest leader that ever walked this earth. He is not unfamiliar to many worldover because history is His-Story.
2. The details surrounding his birth is a controversial subject. It is such that I couldn't possibly unpack here so I will not go into that. Suffice to say here and now is that his birth was foretold. It involved an angelic encounter.
3. Many under the influence of Greek Hellenism refer to him as Jesus Christ. He is the subject of this thread. It is him who is misunderstood even moreso by those who claim to be His followers. He died a little at the age of 30+ hanging on a Roman cross then he resurrected.
4. First of all, if you were to be sent back in time to the Village of Nazareth where he grew up and asked to see Jesus the son of Maria & Prince Joseph of the House of David, chances are that you would get many stares. The reason for this is simple.
5. This character that we are talking about was of the Tribe of Yahuda (Judah); a Hebrew true and true. It so happened that at the time of his birth that his nation was under the occupation of Rome. At this time, the nation of Israel was under the control of Romans.
6. Similar to the same way that the British and their imperialist cousins (Belgium, Germany, France et al) colonised many territories. Before the Romans controlled that nation, Greeks had a field day as well. The book of Maccabees contain the atrocious rule of the Greeks.
7. There is much to be said about the other periods of captivities that Israel endured over and above the Egyptian captivity. The book of Esther is set under the Persian captivity. The Prophet Jeremy (YerimiYAH) exclaimed in his writings - Is Jacob an homeborn slave?
8. The point I am making here is that even though Israel was under the subjugation of Rome, it was very unlikely that a Hebrew from a proud Tribe would have named their son by a Greek name. Think about it.
9. It is a common thing today for people to choose names other than their tribal names but you must know that this is a more recent trend. Once upon a time the world was not this mad I assure you. Most ancient near East culture was a particularly egalitarian.
10. There was an interesting encounter between the MessiYah (so-called Jesus) and one Nathaniel (he later became one of the 12 disciples). In their first meeting, the MessiYAH referred to Nathaniel as "an Israelite in whom is no guile". This statement is indeed very poignant.
11. I stand to be corrected but judging by the political atmosphere in ancient Israel prior to and after the birth of the the MessiYAH, it would have been an eclipse of a thing to see a true born Israelite embrace Rome to the point of losing their identity. Why do I say so?
12. When Rome was ruling Israel, they did so with in alliance with Edomites (descendants of the twin brother of Jacob). King Herod and others in the top echelon of Government in that period were mostly Idumeans (another name for Edomites). Yes! Ancient Israel sank that low...
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