Rant /// a thread

if you do or say something RACIST and YOU feel attacked just because people are simply calling you out for being a dick and rightfully so, you’re ignorant as fuck. you are not the victim here. if people are informing you of what you did because they’re hurt +
by your actions, you own up to what you’ve done and don’t be a pussy and ignore what people are saying.

Don’t leave, don’t deactivate, just apologize. if anyone should feel attacked and feel like they need some space it’s the person/people you were racist to, not you. +
if you want to know how to make a proper apology, here’s what you do :

1. don’t guilt trip. don’t say shit like “i didn’t know any better! im only a minor!” no. unless your literally a baby, your age isn’t an excuse at all. +
while yes, you may not have known because you were uneducated, your age doesn’t explain/excuse why. own up to what you did and don’t make excuses.

2. don’t make arguements and try to say anything like “well in my defense...” there’s literally +
no defense to being racist. it’s not justifiable in the slightest. even if you live with people who are racist or something like that (like me sadly) you should know better that they’re in the wrong.

3. Admit what you did. don’t just blandly say what you did was racist +
EXPLAIN why it was racist. not only does this show what you’ve learned, but youre also informing others not to do what you did!

4. Don’t expect everyone to accept your apology right away or even at all. Racism is a serious subject so some people may still feel uncomfortable +
about the whole situation which is totally reasonable.

i don’t know any other advice to give here because i don’t want to get repetitive but ill link an article here. i hope some people can learn from this thread and to any poc who is seeing this tweet I’m sorry for the +
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