Remember what October is really about...
🎃 Halloween 🎃

Here is a little thread on it's celtic-pagan roots and its gradual Christian takeover.
Halloween is believed to come from the Celtic pagan festival 'Samhain' - marking Summers End and ushering in 'the dark half of the year'

It was believed the barriers between the physical world & spiritual world were especially thin, allowing interaction with ancestors.
There would be feasting, guising and mumming, food would be offered to the Gods and plates laid for their dead ancestors.

They would also slaughter cattle in preparation for winter, of which the bones would then be thrown into 'bone fires', now known as 'bonfires'.
By 43 A.D The Romans had conquered majority of the celtic lands, bringing with them their own traditions.

One such tradition was 'bobbing for apples', which is believed to have come from honouring the Roman Goddess of fruit and trees, Pomona. Her symbol was the 🍎
By the 9th century Christianity had more or less replaced Samhain with All Souls day, a day honouring the dead, celebrated in the same way.

The All Saints Day celebration (Alholowmesse in Middle English.) gradually became All Hallows Eve > Halloween. 🎃👻
So, bob for apples, caramelise apples, make bonfires, go to a pumkin patch, carve pumpkins, make pumpkin pie or other inspired recipes, bake! Observe your faith, make folk plays, puppet shows - or watch them - horror films, scary stories, dress up, camp!
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