Just read a fantastic post by @anthilemoon on The Power of Flexible Consistency. Some key points, thread 👇🏼
1. Consistency is important, but life can get in the way. Flexible consistency is a mindset, not a rigid system. Stuff will come up. Don’t let it disrupt the habit. Missing one workout doesn’t have to end in a doom spiral
2. The Schedule is more important than the Scope. I’ve been struggling with this when it comes to medical exam prep. I wanted to block out 3 hours each day (9-12am) to study. But most days, something comes up and if I can’t do the full 3 hours, I decide to do nothing at all
3. This is bad. I should stick to the schedule, but reduce the scope (ht @JamesClear). Doing 30 minutes is better than nothing. Even doing 10 minutes is better than nothing. Especially in something like long-term exam prep where consistency + spaced repetition boosts memory
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