the way i opened notepad to write this thread but hi, welcome! let's take an analytical look at what happened in this chapter (87) and what won't, in the upcoming chapters!

★a self-indulgent, self-comforting thread :
1/first of all, analyzing asagiri's writing style, Villains or Anti-heroes are so far, always redeemed. exhibit one, kyouka. 35 murders on her list, and a character similar to aku's, but she's now one of the heroes, alive even though we almost lost her back in explosion.
2/b, dazai. not fully redeemed, he's still quite evil compared to the rest of the cast, but we've seen him escape death so many times already, suicide or like how in dead apple, he actually, died? but! he's still around, he's still going to be redeemed. i'll ref this in a second
3/exhibit c, oda, an assassin who was later redeemed and only did he die when his character development from evil to good had been finished.
exhibit d, fitzgerald. we had a whole scene on him actually falling off the moby dick and presuming he's dead only to realize +
4/his ability saved him last minute.
let's revisit dazai for a moment-characters who have yet to be redeemed don't die in asagiri's world. fitzgerald lived to help our heroes, dazai lived to help our heroes, and oda's death happened only after he had finished his redemption arc.
5/now, for ryuu, a villain at the first season, a convenient companion, in the second season, and an anti-hero in the second season-currently still an "anti-hero", given his motives don't line up with what you'd call a hero but, that's exactly what i'm going to base my claims on+
6/ in this thread. a character without a complete redemption arc hasn't died by the hands of asagiri, not yet. reference to oda's exhibit-he died after he redeemed himself and became what we call a "good guy", after he left that legacy for another character(dazai). akutagawa,+
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