American pundits are living in some weird fantasy land. They’re still asking him to “condemn white supremacy” after his movement built concentration camps, put kids in them, is cutting women open and removing their organs. This is what normalization looks like.
This is what normalization looks like, asking rhetorical questions to which the real world answers are woefully self evident. Does he seem interested in rejecting white supremacy? Then why are women’s organs being removed in his concentration camps?
This game American pundits play, of asking polite questions, while the fascists literally commit mass crimes against humanity, is how it all happened. To this day Americans lack a proper understanding of the gravity of Trump’s actions, which are crimes on that scale.
And Americans lack an understanding of fascism, of crimes against humanity, of the concepts and ethics and social movements needed to really fight it, precisely because pundits are still busy asking these dumb, dumb rhetorical questions to look smart to each other.
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